Saturday, July 27, 2024

What Makes Stomach Ulcers Feel Better

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How To Get Rid Of Stomach Ulcer? Dr.Berg On Peptic Ulcer Treatment

If you take all medicines as prescribed and avoid irritating the ulcer with NSAIDs, alcohol or smoking, your ulcer should heal well within a few weeks. Surgical cases may take a few weeks more. Your healthcare provider will follow up with you at the end of your course of medication to make sure the ulcer has healed and any infection has cleared. They will probably take follow-up tests, including an upper endoscopy to look at the site of the ulcer and tests for H. pylori, if you had it, to make sure the infection is gone.

Can Peptic Ulcer Disease Be Prevented Or Avoided

Stress and spicy foods dont cause ulcers. However, they can make them worse. Smoking and alcohol can cause a peptic ulcer. Men should limit alcohol to no more than 2 drinks per day. Women should have no more than 1 drink per day. Talk to your doctor if you take aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen regularly.

Identifying Peptic Ulcer Pain

It is possible for people to mistake normal stomach pain for ulcer pain, or vice versa. However, typically, the pain from a stomach ulcer feels sharp, burning, or gnawing and stays in one place .

It may also be described as a vague abdominal discomfort, nausea, aching, fullness, pressure, or a hunger sensation, and the symptoms tend to recur in episodes.

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What Are The Signs & Symptoms Of Peptic Ulcers

Signs of a peptic ulcer include:

  • most commonly, burning pain in the belly between the breastbone and the belly button
  • nausea
  • feeding problems
  • blood in vomit or bowel movements, which may look dark red or black

If your child has any of these signs and symptoms, call your doctor. Many can be caused by other childhood illnesses, but should be reported to your doctor. Based on your childâs medical history and symptoms, the doctor may want your child to see a pediatric gastroenterologist. This is a doctor who treats problems of the stomach, intestines, and associated organs.

What Is The Cause Of Peptic Ulcers

Eating Makes Ulcer Feel Better

When you eat, your stomach produces hydrochloric acid and an enzyme called pepsin to digest the food.

  • The food is partially digested in the stomach and then moves on to the duodenum to continue the process.
  • Peptic ulcers occur when the acid and enzyme overcome the defense mechanisms of the gastrointestinal tract and erode the mucosal wall.

In the past it was thought that ulcers were caused by lifestyle factors such as eating habits, cigarettesmoking, and stress.

  • Now it is understood that people with ulcers have an imbalance between acid and pepsin coupled with the digestive tract’s inability to protect itself from these harsh substances.
  • Research done in the 1980s showed that some ulcers are caused by infection with a bacterium named Helicobacter pylori, usually called H pylori.
  • Not everyone who gets an ulcer is infected with H pylori. Aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause ulcers if taken regularly.

Some types of medical therapy can contribute to ulcer formation. The following factors can weaken the protective mucosal barrier of the stomach increasing the chances of getting an ulcer and slow the healing of existing ulcers.

  • Aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , and newer anti-inflammatory medications
  • Alcohol
  • Cigarettesmoking
  • Radiation therapy:-used for diseases such as cancer

People who take aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medications are at an increased risk even if they do not have H pylori infection.

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How Are Peptic Ulcers Diagnosed

Your healthcare provider will look at your past health and give you a physical exam. You may also have some tests.

Imaging tests used to diagnose ulcers include:

  • Upper GI series or barium swallow. This test looks at the organs of the top part of your digestive system. It checks your food pipe , stomach, and the first part of the small intestine . You will swallow a metallic fluid called barium. Barium coats the organs so that they can be seen on an X-ray.
  • Upper endoscopy or EGD . This test looks at the lining of your esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. It uses a thin lighted tube called an endoscope. The tube has a camera at one end. The tube is put into your mouth and throat. Then it goes into your esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Your health care provider can see the inside of these organs. A small tissue sample can be taken. This can be checked for H. pylori.

You may also have the following lab tests to see if you have an H. pylori infection:

Can Peptic Ulcers Be Prevented

Doctors arent sure how H. pylori bacteria spread from person to person. The bacteria have been found in saliva , so kissing may be one way. They also may spread through food, water, or contact with vomit thats infected with the bacteria.

Regular use of NSAIDs can cause gastrointestinal problems and bleeding in some people. Acetaminophen does not cause stomach ulcers and is a good alternative to NSAIDs.

As with many infections, washing your hands well and often is an important part of ulcer prevention. This is extra important after you use the bathroom and before you eat. And take good care of your body by exercising regularly and not smoking or drinking.

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Nsaid Drugs And Stomach Ulcers

A group of painkillers known as NSAIDs carries a risk of stomach ulcers. The two best-known NSAIDs are aspirin and ibuprofen.

The risk of ulcers increases if the drugs are taken in high doses, or regularly for a long time.

Stronger NSAIDs, such as those that need a prescription, are riskier for stomach ulcers than those that can be bought over-the-counter .

People should always check labels and talk to a pharmacist or a doctor about any concerns with using painkillers. They may recommend an alternative such as acetaminophen.

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How Is An Ulcer Diagnosed

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Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms. They may do an endoscopy. This procedure involves inserting a thin, flexible tube attached to a camera down your throat and into your stomach. Your doctor will test your blood, breath or stool for H. pylori. They also can test a sample of your stomach lining. Your doctor also will ask you if you regularly take aspirin or anti-inflammatory medicines.

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The Common Culprits To Blame

Yourstomach has thick layer of mucus to protect its soft lining. An open sore mayform in the stomach lining when this mucus coating is diminished.

Withimproper functioning of the layer, the soft lining is more vulnerable to getdamaged from irritating things like extreme stomach acid when the stomachdigests food. The digestive acid may eat away at the soft tissue of thestomach, resulting in an ulcer.

There are several causes to blame. But youre probably surprised to know that bacterial infection and pain relievers are the most common culprits behind the problem.

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What Causes A Peptic Ulcer

Causes of peptic ulcers include

Sometimes peptic ulcers are caused by both NSAIDs and H. pylori.

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Burning Pain In Your Abdomen

This may seem like a no-brainer but the most common sign that people experience when they have a stomach ulcer is a persistent burning pain in their abdomen. This sensation occurs when juices in the stomach used for digestion come into contact with the open sore. For the most part, the pain is felt from the breastbone to navel and is often worse at night than during the day. On the other hand, if you are someone who frequently skips meals, you may find that you experience this pain much throughout the daytime.

Can You Prevent A Peptic Ulcer

Stomach peptic ulcer charts Royalty Free Vector Image

While stress and spicy foods can make symptoms of a peptic ulcer worse, they donât seem to make you more likely to have one. But a few other things can raise your chances.

Be careful when you take pain relievers. Some people who have arthritis or other conditions that cause chronic pain take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for weeks or months at a time to ease pain and swelling. These medicines can affect the mucus that protects your stomach against acid and make you more likely to have peptic ulcers.

These pain relievers include:

You’re more likely to get an ulcer while taking one of these if you:

  • Are over age 65
  • Are infected with H. pylori bacteria
  • Take more than one NSAID at a time
  • Have had a peptic ulcer in the past
  • Also take a steroid drug or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor

To lower your chances for peptic ulcers while you take NSAIDs:

  • Use the lowest possible dose to control your symptoms, and stop taking them as soon as you no longer need them.
  • Take your medicine with food.
  • Don’t drink alcohol while youâre taking these medicines.

While you’re on NSAIDs, you can take medicine to lower the amount of acid your stomach makes. Drugs that can do that include:

You can also take the drug misoprostol to boost the amount of protective mucus your stomach makes. But that can cause side effects like diarrhea and stomach cramps.

You can do some things to make an infection less likely:

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Signs And Symptoms Of Peptic Ulcers

Many people with peptic ulcers don’t have any signs, but upper abdominal pain is the most common symptom.

  • Extend from your navel up to your breastbone
  • Feel worse when your stomach is empty
  • Feel better temporarily when you eat certain foods or take an antacid
  • Get worse at night
  • Come and go for days or weeks

Other symptoms of peptic ulcers may include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting of red or dark blood
  • Feeling bloated or full
  • Bloody, black, or tar-like stools
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Changes in your appetite

What Are The Symptoms Of An Ulcer

An ulcer may or may not have symptoms. The most common symptom for both duodenal and gastric ulcers is abdominal discomfort. Upper middle stomach pain is typically felt anywhere between the navel and the breastbone, and is usually characterized as a dull, gnawing, or burning pain. The symptoms tend to occur when the stomach is empty which explains pain on an empty stomach and during the night. The symptoms may be briefly relieved by eating some food, or antacids. Ulcer symptoms including upper middle stomach pain can come and go and can be confused for pancreatitis, so check through those symptoms also, or they can last for several days or even weeks.

Other symptoms may include:

More severe cases of ulcers, the symptoms can include:

  • Weight loss
  • Dark or black stool
  • Severe pain in the abdomen
  • Vomiting blood

If you have any of the following symptoms, call a doctor immediately! These symptoms could be a sign of a serious problem, such as internal bleeding, perforation of the ulcer through the stomach wall, or obstruction :

  • Bloody, black stools
  • Sharp, sudden, persistent, and severe stomach pain
  • Bloody vomit or vomit that looks like coffee grounds

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Is There A Peptic Ulcer Diet Plan

No particular diet is helpful for people with peptic ulcers. At one time, a bland diet and avoidance of spicy or greasy foods was recommended. Milk and dairy food have been used in the past for ulcer symptoms, but have not been proven to be effective. We now know diet has little effect on ulcers. In some people, however, certain foods seem to aggravate stomach ulcer symptoms. Keep a food diary with your intake and the resulting symptoms and avoid eating any foods that aggravate symptoms.

Peptic Ulcers Are Often Symptomless

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About 30 percent of 60 year olds with confirmed peptic ulcer disease have no abdominal pain.24 This means 1 in 3 old people without the slightest hint of the major symptom of peptic ulcers actually have them.

As if it was not already challenging to diagnose what cannot be seen, sometimes individuals suffering from peptic ulcers do not experience any symptoms.

Older people and children are, unfortunately, at a higher risk of belonging to this no-symptoms niche. This increases the likelihood of a delayed diagnosis and grave complications like perforation and internal bleeding.

Another group of individuals who may struggle with identifying peptic ulcers are those who are heavily dependent on NSAIDs. Even though abdominal pain is the most prominent indicator of peptic ulcers, such is not always the case. To our dismay, 1 in 3 people with peptic ulcers dont have any abdominal pain, particularly those popping NSAIDs.252627 This resonates with research findings that NSAIDs mask the symptoms of peptic ulcers.28 It is, thus, advisable to exercise caution if you need to regularly take these painkillers to treat other conditions.

Having no symptoms or weak symptoms, hence, does not rule out the possibility of peptic ulcers.

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What Should I Do If I Think I Have A Stomach Ulcer

Always seek medical care for a stomach ulcer. While you may be able to manage symptoms temporarily with over-the-counter medications, these wont heal the ulcer. You need to identify and treat the underlying cause. An untreated ulcer can lead to serious complications, even if your symptoms are mild. The major cause of stomach ulcers, H. pylori infection, can also lead to other complications.

Treating Helicobacter Pylori Infection

If your stomach ulcer’s caused by a Helicobacter pylori bacterial infection, you’ll be given:

  • a course of antibiotics
  • a medication called a proton pump inhibitor

This is also recommended if it’s thought your stomach ulcer’s caused by a combination of an H. pylori infection and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs .

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The Pros And Cons Of Pain Relief Drugs

Here’s a rundown of the benefits and risks of some popular pain medications. It should help simplify your choices when you’re in the drugstore.

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t use any over-the-counter painkiller on a regular basis. If you’re in that much pain, you need to talk with your doctor.

ACETAMINOPHENTylenol, Panadol, Tempra

  • How it works. Acetaminophen is not an NSAID. Experts aren’t actually sure how it works, but it seems to affect chemicals that increase the feeling of pain.
  • Benefits. Acetaminophen reduces pain and lowers fevers. Unlike aspirin and other NSAIDS, acetaminophen is believed to be safe for people with ulcers. It doesn’t affect the natural lining of the stomach. Since it doesn’t thin the blood, it doesn’t increase the risk of bleeding either. It is safe for women who are pregnant and nursing.
  • Side effects and risks. Experts say that acetaminophen is safe for people with ulcers. But like any drug, it can cause other side effects. Very high doses of acetaminophen — well over the recommended maximum of 4,000 mg/day — can cause serious liver damage. Long-term use of acetaminophen in high doses — especially when combined with caffeine or codeine can cause kidney disease.

    Acetaminophen doesn’t reduce swelling, like aspirin and other NSAIDs do. It may be less helpful for treating pain that’s caused by inflammation, such as some types of arthritis.

ASPIRINBayer, Bufferin, Ecotrin

Black Or Dark Colored Stool

if you have a stomach ulcer so avoid these foods for your 1

If you think you may have an ulcer, a good way to tell is to look at your stool. If you notice that when you use the restroom your stool is extremely dark in color, or even black, chances are you are right about what is ailing you. If this is the case, you should absolutely go to the hospital immediately.

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What Tests Will Be Done To Diagnose A Peptic Ulcer

Endoscopy. An upper endoscopy exam is expedient because allows healthcare providers to see inside your digestive tract and also take a tissue sample to analyze in the lab. The test is done by passing a thin tube with a tiny camera attached down your throat and into your stomach and duodenum. Youll have medication to numb your throat and help you relax during the test. Your healthcare provider may use the endoscope to take a tissue sample to test for signs of mucous damage, anemia, H. pylori infection or malignancy. If they take a sample, you wont feel it.

Imaging tests. Imaging tests to look inside the stomach and small intestine include:

  • Upper GI series. An upper GI X-ray exam examines the stomach and duodenum through X-rays. Its less invasive than an endoscopy. For the X-ray, youll swallow a chalky fluid called barium, which will coat your esophagus, stomach and duodenum. The barium helps your digestive organs show up better in black and white images.
  • CT scan. Your healthcare provider might recommend a CT scan if they need to see your organs in more detail. A CT scan can show complications such as a perforation in the stomach or intestinal wall. For the test, youll lie on a table inside a scanner machine while X-rays are taken. You may drink or have an injection with contrast fluid to make your organs show up better in images.

Tests for H. pylori. Your healthcare provider might want to test you separately for H. pylori infection. Tests may include:

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