Thursday, July 25, 2024

Ulcerative Colitis And Lung Disease

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Ulcerative Colitis Combined With Acute Interstitial Lung Disease And Airway Disease: A Case Report And Literature Review

Ulcerative colitis VS Crohn’s disease
  • Affiliations: Departments of Respiratory Disease, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong 250012, P.R. China, Department of Pathology, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong 250012, P.R. China
  • Pages: 1229-1236
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    Case report

    Clinical data
    Physical examination on admission
    Diagnosis and treatment

    Subsequent to admission, 3 g cefoperazone-sulbactam,1 g vancomycin, 300 mg ganciclovir and 160 mg methylprednisolonewere intravenously infused once every 12 h. However, the conditionof the patient deteriorated and respiratory distress appeared. Theblood gas analysis revealed thefollowing results: pH, 7.35 PaCO2, 45 mmHg PaO2, 57 mmHg and HCO3 levels, 27mmol/l. The results of the repeated chest CT scan , performed on the21st day , showed that the bilaterallungs had changed to exhibit diffuse reticular or patchy shadows,with nodular shadows on the pulmonary hilar region and cyst shadowson the right upper lobe therefore, the use of vancomycin was ceased. On the 23rd day afterthe disease onset, pleural fiber deposition in the visceral layer,wide pleural adhesions and nodules on the lung surface wereobserved in the open lung biopsy taken from the right middle lobetissues.



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    Ulcerative colitis combined with acute interstitial lung ...

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    Bronchoscopy Bal And Biopsy Results

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    Conditions Related To Ulcerative Colitis

    Crohn’s disease vs Colitis Ulcerative Colitis *Part 1*and Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    Ulcerative colitis is an autoimmune disease that results in damage to the inner lining of the colon, or large intestine, and rectum. The cause of UC is believed to be an abnormal immune response that causes the body to attack itself. Like Crohns disease, it is a type of inflammatory bowel disease . Unlike Crohns, the primary disease is limited to the colon and rectum and does not involve the small intestine.

    Gastrointestinal symptoms of IBD can have a significant impact on quality of life these symptoms include abdominal pain and cramping, diarrhea, and intestinal bleeding. However, UC affects more than just the digestive tract. Like many autoimmune diseases, its effects can be felt throughout the body.

    Many different medical conditions frequently occur alongside UC, including:

    • Arthritis
    • Blood clots
    • Anemia

    About 43 percent of people with UC have extraintestinal manifestations of IBD, or conditions related to IBD that occur outside of the intestines. Some of these conditions are related to UC by underlying genetic factors or disease mechanisms, while others can occur as a side effect of treatments for UC. The symptoms of many of these related disorders worsen with UC flare-ups and resolve during periods of remission.

    Sometimes these related diseases can develop before intestinal symptoms of UC appear. Here are some of the most common extraintestinal manifestations of UC.

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    Dysbiosis Of Intestinal Microbiota In Ibd

    Dysbiosis has been associated with the development of IBD, although whether this is cause or effect is yet to be elucidated since most research to date has been correlative. Cross-sectional studies are the most common for assessing the microbiota of IBD patients but these only provide a snapshot in time . Instituting longitudinal studies could assist in establishing when dysbiosis occurs relative to the onset of intestinal inflammation and how this may change with the course of disease but this would require early and frequent sampling. Furthermore, the microbiome tends to be sequenced from fecal samples and while this is non-invasive for the IBD patient, this method could provide inaccurate measures, especially for CD patients where inflammation is often localized to the ileum or other portions of the gastrointestinal tract. This sampling method can also overlook mucosa-associated microbiota, and due to the variations in microbial composition that are apparent across the gastrointestinal tract, sampling methods need to be carefully considered when formulating studies . Nonetheless, the research that has been conducted to date has provided a solid foundation upon which future studies can expand to improve our understanding of dysbiosis in IBD.

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    Possible Links Between Bowel And Lung Disease

    Both the colonic and the respiratory epithelia provide the first barrier against microbial agents, antigens and toxins. Exposure to air pollutants, especially to particulate matter , was shown to increase morbidity and mortality related to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. This effect may be related to the induction of systemic inflammation, which is an important element in the pathogenesis of these diseases. Various pollutants may be swallowed and absorbed from the intestines, potentially inducing systemic and local inflammation. The incidence of IBD has significantly increased in the last five decades, probably reflecting changes in the industrialized environment . The idea of the impact of air pollution on the pathogenesis of IBD is intriguing, but evidence is scarce yet .

    There are several papers documenting higher frequency of IgE-related and delayed-type hypersensitivity in IBD patients . Interestingly, colonic tissue eosinophilia was higher in patients with positive skin prick tests for food allergens . Based on such data, it may be suggested that atopy could be a common link between IBD and airway disease in some patients. Unfortunately, other data do not support this concept. For instance, asthma and atopy are Th2-mediated diseases, whereas CD is a Th1-mediated pathology .

    Overlapping pulmonary and intestinal symptoms in UC and WG and high incidence of various ANCA autoantibodies in IBD patients may suggest the presence of a common autoantigen.

    Evaluation And Management Of Ibd Patients With Suspected Pulmonary Involvement

    Ulcerative colitis combined with acute interstitial lung ...

    IBD patients presenting with respiratory symptoms or even asymptomatic pulmonary findings on radiography should be approached with a high index of suspicion for drug-induced or IBD-related pulmonary disease. The history pertinent to IBD should include a careful review of the recent course of the disease, any history of extraintestinal manifestations, and medication use. 5-ASA medications may be resumed with caution, however re-challenge of the possible offending drug for the purpose of diagnosis of drug-induced pulmonary disease is not recommended.

    Given these patients are often on immune-modulating drugs and that IBD itself is considered an immune-mediated disease, infection should initially be ruled out and the evaluation may require screening for tuberculosis or other diseases that IBD patients may be at increased risk for. Radiographic evaluation may begin with standard chest radiographs and should be followed by high-resolution CT in cases with pulmonary disease or high suspicion of pulmonary disease. Characteristic CT findings may be associated with specific diseases , as discussed above. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy was commonly utilized for tissue and further infectious disease evaluation, but was usually of low yield. In our observations, thoracoscopy with wedge biopsy is usually required to achieve the final diagnosis .

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    Mouth And Skin Conditions

    Diseases of the skin and oral mucosa, the lining of the mouth, can occur with UC. Erythema nodosum is the most common skin manifestation of IBD. It is seen in about 10 percent of people with UC and causes painful nodules in the skin, usually the legs.

    The second-most common skin manifestation of IBD is pyoderma gangrenosum, which causes blisters in the skin. These blisters can grow quite large and become painful, ulcerating lesions.

    Other skin diseases seen in UC and Crohns disease include:

    Skin and mouth conditions associated with UC tend to appear more when there is a flare-up of intestinal symptoms. Treatments vary by condition, but they can include steroids and biologic drugs.

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    Development Of Pulmonary Hypertension Due To Ulcerative Colitis

    Inflammatory bowel disease , ulcerative colitis included, causes irritation in the digestive tract which leads to diarrhea often with blood or pus, abdominal pain and cramping, rectal pain or bleeding, difficulties in normal defecation, weight loss, fatigue and fever. In addition, the disease can bring about a variety of respiratory complications, as explored in the study Pulmonary complications of inflammatory bowel disease, authored by Drs. Steven E. Weinberger and Mark A. Peppercorn.

    According to the report: Case series vary in terms of the proportions of patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease who have associated lung disease . The pathogenesis of pulmonary parenchymal disease and serositis associated with IBD is unknown. However, the more common airway inflammatory changes are thought to represent the same type of inflammatory changes that occur in the bowel.

    The correlation between pulmonary hypertension and ulcerative colitis is not fully disclosed but case studies indicate many instances of IBD- associated lung involvement.

    Diagnosis And Treatment Of Pulmonary Hypertension And Ulcerative Colitis

    Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis

    Since patients who suffer from ulcerative colitis are at risk of lung diseases and pulmonary hypertension, patients and physician should be aware of symptoms like shortness of breath , fatigue, dizziness or fainting spells , chest pressure or pain, swelling in the ankles, legs and abdomen , bluish color in lips and skin , or irregular heartbeat.

    There is currently no cure for pulmonary hypertension, but there are treatments that can help patients ease symptoms and extend their lifespan. Blood vessel dilators , endothelin receptor antagonists, sildenafil and tadalafil, high-dose calcium channel blockers, anticoagulants, diuretics, and supplemental oxygen are the most used therapeutic options for patients with pulmonary hypertension. However, a tailored treatment taking into consideration the coexistence of the two conditions, the patients characteristics, and other medical information should be discussed with a specialized physician.

    Note: Pulmonary Hypertension News is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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    Bronchoscopy Bronchoalveolar Lavage And Biopsy Results

    Mucosal edema and hyperemia are the most typical findings . Suppurative bronchitis is frequent, and in these instances chronic purulent expectoration is the main symptom . Tracheal or bronchial strictures have been described due to extensive submucosal fibrosis , inflammatory nodules or circumferential mucosal infiltration . Bronchial biopsy reveals mucosal hyperplasia , thickening of basal membrane and angioectasia , cellular infiltrations composed of granulocytes , T and B lymphocytes or non-specific chronic inflammatory infiltrates . Although the most typical finding in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of IBD patients is lymphocytosis, in tracheobronchial involvement BAL fluid may be dominated by neutrophils .

    The classical form of small airway disease accompanying IBD is bronchiolitis. Non-necrotizing granulomas consisting of epithelioid, multinucleated giant and scattered mononuclear cells surrounding small bronchioles were described in patients suffering from CD . This and other similar findings recall similarities to sarcoidosis however, the coincidence of classical sarcoidosis with CD is probably incidental. In bronchiolitis related to UC, non-granulomatous inflammation has been found . Diffuse and fibrosing/sclerosing bronchiolitis of severe course has been described in UC .

    What Laboratory Studies Should You Order To Help Make The Diagnosis And How Should You Interpret The Results

    Start by evaluating for the presence of infection with sputum gram stain and bacterial culture, sputum AFB smear and mycobacterial culture for both typical and atypical mycobacterial disease, and sputum fungal culture. Consider serologic evaluation for endemic fungi based upon geographic location or exposure . Interferon gamma release assay and purified protein derivative skin testing for tuberculosis are difficult to interpret in the setting of immunosuppression.

    Guide further evaluations by the distribution of pulmonary abnormalities on imaging studies. If VTE is suspected, an elevated d-dimer may be a nonspecific finding during flares of IBD. Consider an evaluation for autoimmune disease if there is diffuse parenchymal disease, organizing pneumonia, pulmonary vasculitis, bronchiolitis obliterans, or tracheal stenosis.

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