Thursday, July 25, 2024

Difference Between Ulcerative Colitis And Crohn’s Disease Ppt

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Symptomatic Differences Between Crohns Disease And Ulcerative Colitis

Keynote: Evolution of Disease Management in IBD

There are some subtle differences in symptoms of Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis. In Crohns disease rectal bleeding is less common, whereas in ulcerative colitis, bleeding from the rectum is much more common. In Crohns disease, continuous abdominal pain is more common and perianal problems such as fistulas, anal sores and skin tags, can occur. In contrast, people living with ulcerative colitis usually have intermittent pain coinciding with bowel movements. Perianal issues are uncommon in ulcerative colitis.

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Articles On Crohn’s Disease Treatments

Surgery is just one of many possible treatments for Crohnâs disease. But itâs a common one. Up to three-quarters of people with Crohnâs need surgery at some point, even when they take medicine and eat right.

Surgery canât cure Crohnâs disease. But it can help you feel better and live more normally.

What Are The Types Of Crohns Disease

Crohns disease can affect different sections of the digestive tract. Types of Crohns disease include:

  • Ileocolitis: Inflammation occurs in the small intestine and part of the large intestine, or colon. Ileocolitis is the most common type of Crohns disease.
  • Ileitis: Swelling and inflammation develop in the small intestine .
  • Gastroduodenal: Inflammation and irritation affect the stomach and the top of the small intestine .
  • Jejunoileitis: Patchy areas of inflammation develop in the upper half of the small intestine .

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What Is The Prognosis For People With Crohns Disease

Most people with Crohns disease enjoy healthy, active lives. While there isnt a cure for Crohns disease, treatments and lifestyle changes can keep the disease in remission and prevent complications.

Lifestyle changes can include changes to your diet. People with Crohns disease often need to adapt their diets so that they get enough calories each day. Lactose intolerance can also be an issue for those with Crohns disease. You may need to avoid certain dairy products if you find that youre having issues with this dietary intolerance. You should also avoid smoking if you have Crohns disease. Smoking can only make your condition worse.

Your healthcare provider might recommend you receive preventative colonoscopies after youre diagnosed with Crohns disease. Talk to your provider about how often you should have colonoscopies and what your risks are for other medical conditions.

Treating Crohns And Colitis


Its important to know that neither Crohns nor ulcerative colitis can be cured, though doctors will work with patients to manage symptoms. The two illnesses are generally treated with the same types of medication, although each patient may respond differently to the same drug. The goal of treatment is to reduce the inflammation, which in turn reduces symptoms, allows your body to repair damaged tissue, and helps slow the progression of the disease.

Today, many patients get a relatively new class of drugs, called biologics, which are live antibodies that are given to patients to help their immune cells fight the inflammation. Other classes of drugs include immunomodulators, which help tamp down the immune systems inflammatory response, and aminosalicylates, the oldest class of drugs, which are used to help keep the disease in remission. According to the Crohns and Colitis Foundation, immunomodulators can take up to six months to become fully effective, so doctors usually prescribe them along with fast-acting steroids that patients will ideally go off of once the immunomodulators reach their full potential. I absolutely think that with these new drugs, its a new era in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, says Dr. Cohen.

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Allergic Colitis In Infants

Allergic colitis is a condition that can occur in infants, usually within the first months after birth. The condition can cause symptoms in infants including:

  • reflux
  • fussiness
  • possible flecks of blood in a babys stool

Doctors dont know exactly what causes allergic colitis. One of the most popular theories is that infants with allergic colitis have an allergic or hypersensitive reaction to certain components in breast milk. A 2020 review of studies indicated that a protein allergy, either through breast milk, cows milk, or formula, could contribute.

Eosinophilic colitis is a type of allergic colitis that can also show up in infants with these symptoms. Its causes are similarly unknown , but its likely also related to a protein allergy.

Doctors will often recommend an elimination diet for the birthing parent, which involves slowly cutting out certain foods known to contribute to allergic colitis. Examples include cows milk, eggs, and wheat. If the baby stops having symptoms of allergic colitis, these foods were likely causing the problem.

In severe cases, monoclonal antibodies, such as those used to inflammatory bowel disease , may also be another treatment option.

Citation Doi And Article Data

Citation:DOI:Assoc Prof Frank GaillardRevisions:see full revision historySystem:

  • Lesniowski-Crohn disease versus ulcerative colitis
  • Lesniowski-Crohn’s disease versus ulcerative colitis
  • Ulcerative colitis versus Crohn’s disease
  • Crohn’s disease versus ulcerative colitis
  • Crohn disease versus ulcerative colitis
  • CD vs UC
  • Ulcerative colitis versus Crohn disease
  • UC vs CD

Due to the overlap in the clinical presentation of Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis , imaging often has a role to play in distinguishing the two. Distinguishing features include:

  • bowel involved
  • CD: small bowel 70-80%, only 15-20% have only colonic involvement
  • UC: rectal involvement 95%, with terminal ileum only involved in pancolitis
  • distribution
  • UC: continuous disease from rectum up
  • gender
  • UC: male predilection
  • colonic wall
  • fat halo sign is seen in 61% of chronic UC cases, but only in 8% of CD 2
  • the bowel wall is thicker in CD than in UC 2
  • serosal surface smooth in UC , irregular in CD 2
  • UC: although rectal involvement is very common, perianal complications are not as frequently seen
  • CD: common, seen in 82% of patients 2
  • stranding of ischiorectal fossa/perirectal fat
  • fistulas/sinus tracts
  • CD: common in chronic cases
  • UC: not seen, as small bowel not involved
  • abscess formation
  • CD: common, eventually seen in 15-20% of patients
  • UC: uncommon
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    Rna Extraction And Preparation Of Target Biotinylated Crna

    Fresh full-thickness colonic tissues were used. Total RNA was separately extracted from each sample using the guanidinium thiocyanate method and then pooled into each group . The extracted RNA was used for RTPCR or to prepare biotinylated cRNA for hybridization to microarrays.

    Poly+ RNA purification, biotin labeling of cRNA and hybridization were performed according to manufacturers protocols. Double-stranded cDNA was synthesized from 1 µg of poly+ RNA using the Superscript Choice system and an HPLC-purified T7 RNA polymerase promoter containing an oligo tail . The ds-cDNA was extracted by phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol and recovered by ethanol precipitation. In vitro transcription was performed using 1.0 µg of ds-cDNA template and a T7 Megascript Kit in the presence of biotin-labeled CTP, UTP and unlabeled ATP, CTP, GTP and UTP. A RNeasy affinity column was used to purify biotin-labeled cRNA.

    What Causes Ulcerative Colitis

    Ulcerative colitis : Morphology, Clinical features, difference from Crohn disease

    However, there are cases where the diagnosis of one form of IBD over the other is very difficult. At times, a final diagnosis is possible only after an event during the course of the disease or its treatment makes the form of IBD readily apparent.

    Patients with IBD may be very confused as to the differences between these diseases. As with any chronic condition, education is an important tool to become an active participant in one’s own treatment plan.

    If your diagnosis isn’t firm, don’t panic. In some people, it can take time to determine if the IBD is more like Crohn’s disease or more like ulcerative colitis. In about 5-20% of cases, people are diagnosed as having indeterminate colitis .

    IBD is becoming increasingly treatable and there are now many medications in the arsenal that are helping people with all forms get greater control over their disease. The main differences between ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are described below.

    • Smoking can worsen condition

    Read Also: Is Ulcerative Colitis Considered An Autoimmune Disease

    Presentation On Theme: Inflammatory Bowel Disease Presentation Transcript:

    1 Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseAn Introduction ToInflammatory Bowel Disease

    2 Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseOutlineWhat is the Disease?EpidemiologyPathophysiologyUlcerative ColitisCrohns Disease

    3 Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseTwo chronic diseases that cause ulceration & inflammation of the intestinesUlcerative ColitisCrohn’s Disease.

    4 Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseTwo chronic diseases that cause ulceration & inflammation of the intestinesThey have some features in common but there are some important differences20% of patients have clinical picture that falls in between

    5 Epidemiology Most numbers are North AmericanIncreasingly diagnosed in Saudi Arabia

    6 Pathophysiology Unclear A number of factors may be involved.Host FactorsEnvironmental Factors

    7 Pathophysiology Host Factors Genetics ObesityAppendectomy

    8 Pathophysiology Environmental Factors Smoking InfectionOral Contraception

    9 Pathophysiology Current Theory:There is a genetic defect that affects the immune system, so that it attacks the bowel wall in response to stimulation by an offending antigen, like a bacteria, a virus, or a protein in the food

    10 Ulcerative Colitis An inflammatory disease of the large intestineRecurring Inflammation and ulceration of the mucosa of the large intestineAlmost always involve the rectum and extend proximally

    22 Ulcerative Colitis TreatmentMainly medical treatmentSurgical treatment:Failure of medical managementTreating complicationsProphylaxis for cancerCure after colectomy

    26 Crohns Disease

    Different Between Ulcerative Colitis And Crohns Disease

    Inflammatory bowel disorder is an umbrella time period used to explain disorders that involve continual irritation of your digestive tract. Types of IBD are:

    • Ulcerative colitis: This circumstance involves inflammation and sores along the superficial lining of your huge gut and rectum.
    • Crohns disease: This kind of IBD is characterised by irritation of the liner of your digestive tract, which regularly can involve the deeper layers of the digestive tract.

    Both ulcerative colitis and Crohns disorder usually are characterised by diarrhea, rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, fatigue and weight reduction.

    IBD can be debilitating and now and again ends in lifestyles-threatening headaches.

    Also Check: Signs And Symptoms Of Ulcerative Colitis Flare Up

    Can You Drink Alcohol With Crohn’s Disease

    • Drinking alcohol is not recommended for most people with Crohn’s disease.
    • Alcohol may irritate the lining of the intestinal wall, causing or worsening symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and bleeding.
    • It also may contribute to malabsorption, further complicating nutritional deficiencies.
    • Alcohol interacts with many medications, causing side effects that may be serious.
    • Alcohol disrupts sleep cycles and can leave you feeling tired, and irritable the next day. However, if alcohol is well tolerated and not causing any complications, it can be consumed in moderation.
    • Chronic diarrhea can lead to dehydration very easily.
    • Dehydration makes you feel weak, tired, light-headed, or just “blah.”
    • Alcohol can cause headaches, abdominal pain, and other symptoms. It also can place dangerous strain on your kidneys.
    • Dehydration can be avoided by making a special effort to take in plenty of nonalcoholic fluids.
    • You should take at least 8 full glasses of fluid every day.
    • Try to stick to water, diluted fruit juice, sports drinks, decaffeinated beverages, and fruit and vegetable drinks.
    • Avoid caffeinated beverages and sodas.

    What Are The Complications Of Crohns Disease

    Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    Crohns disease can lead to serious complications, including:

    • Abscesses: Infected pus-filled pockets form in the digestive tract or abdomen.
    • Anal fissures: Small tears in the anus can cause pain, itching and bleeding.
    • Bowel obstructions: Scar tissue from inflammation, fistulas or a narrowed intestine can block the bowel partially or completely. Waste matter and gases build up. A blockage in the small bowel or large bowel requires surgery.
    • Colon cancer: Crohns disease in the large intestine increases the risk of colon cancer.
    • Fistulas: IBD can cause abnormal tunnel-like openings, called fistulas, to form in the intestinal walls. These fistulas sometimes become infected.
    • Malnutrition: Chronic diarrhea can make it hard for your body to absorb nutrients. One common problem in people with Crohns disease is a lack of iron. Too little iron can lead to anemia when your organs cant get enough oxygen.
    • Ulcers: Open sores called ulcers can form in your mouth, stomach or rectum.

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    What Procedures And Tests Diagnose Crohn’s Disease And Ulcerative Colitis

    Doctors diagnose ulcerative colitis by endoscopy . During this procedure the doctor can see and take pictures of the patients abnormal gut mucosa , and the presence of continuous disease . Other blood tests and imaging tests like CT scan or MRI are used, but these tests are not definitive.

    Doctors use the same procedures and tests to diagnose Crohns disease. However, they also use small bowel studies, colonoscopy, and upper GI endoscopy to identify the abnormal gut mucosa that usually occur in multiple areas anywhere in the intestinal tract. These areas are not continuous, but are separated by normal areas of intestinal mucosa that distinguish them from ulcerative colitis lesions.

  • Crohn’s disease can leave you vulnerable to infections and other diseases.
  • They can stop anyone from looking, feeling, or performing at his or her best.
  • As with Crohns disease, nutrition is important if you have ulcerative colitis because symptoms of diarrhea and bleeding can lead to dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and loss of nutrients. It may be necessary to take nutritional supplements if your symptoms do not allow you to eat a nutritionally balanced diet. Talk to your health-care professional about what supplements to take.

    What Questions Should I Ask My Doctor

    If you have Crohns disease, you may want to ask your healthcare provider:

    • Why did I get Crohns disease?
    • What form of Crohns disease do I have?
    • Whats the best treatment for this disease type?
    • How can I prevent flare-ups?
    • If I have a genetic form, what steps can my family members take to lower their risk of Crohns disease?
    • Should I make any dietary changes?
    • What medications should I avoid?
    • Should I take supplements?
    • Should I get tested for anemia?
    • Do I need to cut out alcohol?
    • Should I look out for signs of complications?

    A note from Cleveland Clinic

    Crohns disease flare-ups are unpredictable and can disrupt your daily life. Talk to your healthcare provider about the steps you can take to keep the disease in check. With the right treatment and lifestyle changes, you can manage symptoms, avoid complications and live an active life.

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    How Are Ulcerative Colitis And Crohn’s Disease Similar

    • Both diseases often develop in teenagers and young adults although the disease can occur at any age
    • Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease affect men and women equally
    • The symptoms of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are very similar
    • The causes of both UC and Crohn’s disease are not known and both diseases have similar types of contributing factors such as environmental, genetic and an inappropriate response by the body’s immune system

    Site Of Inflammation Differs Between Crohns Disease And Ulcerative Colitis

    Ulcerative Colitis

    Crohns disease can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract, including the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, rectum and anus. Ulcerative colitis is located in the colon, usually starting from the rectum. In Crohns disease, inflammation occurs in all layers of the intestinal wall and patches of this inflammation can be scattered throughout the GI tract. In contrast, in ulcerative colitis, inflammation occurs in the innermost lining of the intestinal wall and is a continuous stretch within the colon.

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    The Intestinal Epithelium And Microbiota

    The intestinal epithelial cell layer consists of several different cells, including enterocytes, goblet cells, neuroendocrine cells, Paneth cells, M cells, and epithelial resident intestinal stem cells. These cells structurally constitute crypts and villi, with a single columnar cell lining with a tight junction, and secrete mucus containing anti-microbial peptides these cells separate intra-luminal pathogens from the subepithelial lamina propria .

    Mild To Moderately Active Disease

    Am J Gastroenterol.J Crohn’s Colitis.Gut.Cochrane Database Syst Rev.Am J Gastroenterol.J Crohn’s Colitis.Cochrane Database Syst Rev.Gut.

    • Sninsky C
    • et al.

    Am J Gastroenterol.

    • Lindgren S
    • et al.


    • Dallaire C
    • et al.

    Can J Gastroenterol.

    • Feagan BG
    • et al.

    Gastroenterology.Cochrane Database Syst Rev.World J Gastroenterol.J Crohn’s Colitis.Gastroenterology.BMJ.

    Gut.Dig Dis Sci.N Engl J Med.

    • Hommes DW
    • et al.


    • Middleton S
    • et al.

    J Crohn’s Colitis.Am J Gastroenterol.

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    Keep Up With Your Checkups

    If you have either condition, you’ll need to keep up with your checkups, even if your symptoms start to ease up.

    You may also need to get colonoscopies more often and start them at a younger age. A colonoscopy can check for cancer or polyps that need to come out. Experts recommend that you start these tests within 8 to 10 years of developing UC or Crohnâs symptoms, and then typically every 1 to 3 years after that. Your doctor will tell you a schedule that is best for you.

    Show Sources

    Hybridization Of Crna To Oligonucleotide Microarrays

    Crohns disease vs Ulcerative Colitis

    We initially used Affymetrix HuGene FL set 900160 containing 7070 genes/ESTs distributed over subarrays A, B, C and D. This array set contained all GenBank genes and ESTs deposited in the database prior to 1997 . The UC 2 and control target RNA were profiled using the HuGene FL array 900183, with all genes/ESTs on one array. Since two array types were used, the control RNA was hybridized to each array type to generate a control 1 profile for comparison with UC 1 and CD and a control 2 profile for comparison with UC 2.

    The biotinylated cRNA was fragmented randomly to 35200 bases by incubation at 94°C for 35 min. At a final concentration of 0.05 µg/µl, fragmented cRNA was added to hybridization buffer containing 50 pM control oligonucleotide B2, control cRNA cocktail, 0.1 mg/ml herring sperm DNA and 0.5 mg/ml acetylated BSA. Target samples were hybridized to the arrays at 45°C overnight in a GeneChip hybridization oven 640 set to 60 revolutions per minute, washed and stained with streptavidinphycoerythrin and read at a resolution of 6 µm with a Hewlett-Packard GeneArray Scanner.

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