What Pain Relief Medicines Are Used In Inflammatory Bowel Disease
There are a variety of pain relief medicines available which can help to control pain in Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis.
Paracetamol is a commonly used over-the-counter painkiller you can buy without a prescription. It can be used to help with mild to moderate pain, and can also help to control a high temperature. Paracetamol can be used by adults and children and is available in a variety of forms, including:
- Tablets, capsules and caplets
- Oral suspension
Paracetamol works by blocking the production of chemicals in your body called prostaglandins, making your body less aware of any pain. It also reduces your temperature by acting on the part of your brain responsible for controlling it.
Paracetamol is often combined with other medicines, including other types of painkillers. Always check any additional medicines are also safe for you to use.
It is generally considered safe to take paracetamol if you have inflammatory bowel disease, however if you need to take paracetamol for longer than three days, or have a new pain, you should speak to your IBD team.
Two paracetamol tablets every four hours, up to four times a day is considered a safe dose for adults. Side effects are uncommon with paracetamol.
You should read the patient information leaflet in your medicine packet to check if paracetamol is suitable for you. Do not take more than the maximum dose in a 24 hour period as an overdose of paracetamol can be very dangerous.
What Causes Ulcerative Colitis Flareups
When youre in remission from ulcerative colitis, youll want to do everything you can to prevent a flareup. Things that may cause a flareup include:
- Emotional stress: Get at least seven hours of sleep a night, exercise regularly and find healthy ways to relieve stress, such as meditation.
- NSAID use: For pain relief or a fever, use acetaminophen instead of NSAIDs like Motrin® and Advil®.
- Antibiotics: Let your healthcare provider know if antibiotics trigger your symptoms.
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Joint Pain Common Among Uc Sufferers
As numerous articles relate, yes, joint pain is a common symptom of UC affecting the body outside of the stomach and intestines . My throbbing elbows as I type this article also confirm what I read in various medical journals. It seems that the inflammation of the intestines opens the door to inflammation spreading to other areas of the body. Well, thank you, colitis! You have punched me again with yet another issue.
On a good note, treatment is available. Sometimes just taking pain relievers like ibuprofen or aspirin can help. But someone living with an IBD has to be careful with these over-the-counter treatments. Often, they irritate the stomach lining. Intestinal irritation is what we folks living with IBD are avoiding.
Instead, I now have a new issue to discuss with my gastroenterologist. Hopefully, he can assess whether my pain results from colitis or not. More importantly, I trust he offers treatment options that wont exacerbate my intestinal issues.
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How Spondyloarthritis Relates To Ulcerative Colitis
Beyond just random joint issues, there is also a family of inflammatory joint diseases that seems to go hand in hand with UC. Spondyloarthritis refers to a group of diseases that cause arthritis and can affect the spine , the peripheral joints , and may lead to a condition called . Over time, ankylosing spondylitis can cause some of the .
So whats the link between SpA and UC? Frustratingly, the exact mechanism that connects the two is still not completely understood. What experts do know is that the two diseases share a genetic component. In a genealogic study in Iceland published in the journal Arthritis and Rheumatism, researchers found that first- and second-degree relatives of people with AS were at three times higher risk for inflammatory bowel disease and vice-versa. Heres what else we know: Inflammatory bowel disease is observed in up to 14% of those with AS and gut inflammation is seen in around 60% of people with AS.
What Causes Ulcerative Colitis
Unfortunately the cause of ulcerative colitis is unknown, although both genetic and the environmental causes have been proposed.
Most patients with ulcerative colitis do not have anyone else in the family with ulcerative colitis. However up to 20 percent of patients with ulcerative colitis have at least one relative with either ulcerative colitis or Crohnâs disease. The genes involved in ulcerative colitis are not as well understood as in Crohnâs disease, and there are no commercially available genetic tests we currently recommend for the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis.
The increase in ulcerative colitis in some populations around the world has led some researchers to believe there may be environmental causes for ulcerative colitis. Infections and diet are among other potential environmental causes for ulcerative colitis however there is not enough information in this field to make any firm conclusions. There is still much to learn in these areas and research is ongoing to determine the cause of ulcerative colitis.
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Arthritis Affects An Estimated 25% Of Ibd Patients
Inflammatory bowel disease is associated with several other conditions, including the liver disorder primary sclerosing cholangitis, fissures, fistulas, and arthritis. Arthritis is the most common extraintestinal complication, affecting an estimated 25 percent of all IBD patients. The two most common forms of arthritis experienced by IBD patients are peripheral arthritis and axial arthritis.
Because arthritis is so common, its important for people with IBD to pay attention to aches and pains. While a certain amount of pain is going to be typical, it should still be brought up at appointments with your physicians. Keeping joints as healthy as possible and avoiding activities that do damage, as well as staying on top of any problems if they crop up, is vital. If pain becomes bothersome, it should be talked over with a gastroenterologist or a rheumatologist before starting any pain medications, because people with IBD may need to avoid certain types of drugs .
When To Call Your Doctor About Joint Pain
Just because joint pain is common for people with IBD doesnt mean you should ignore it. Receiving treatment for your symptoms sooner rather than later can help prevent pain and lasting damage. Talk to your provider right away about joint pain that doesnt go away after three days or more. You can ask your primary care doctor or gastroenterologist for a referral to a rheumatologist or orthopedist for further evaluation.
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Growth And Development Problems For Children
You can get ulcerative colitis at any age, but its more common among 15- to 30-year-olds. A child with UC may:
- Red or discolored
Talk to your doctor right away if youre worried that you might have DVT. Its possible for a deep-vein blood clot to break loose and get stuck in a lung artery. If that happens, its an emergency called a pulmonary embolism . You could have symptoms like shortness of breath, sharp chest pain, and a cough with or without blood. Call 911 if you have these signs.
Doctors can treat DVT and pulmonary embolisms with medications, a filter through a vein that removes the clot, or surgery.
You could be more likely to get DVT or PE if you:
- Have ulcerative colitis that flares often or affects a large amount of your colon.
- Get surgery for severe ulcerative colitis.
Some studies also link certain ulcerative colitis meds, like steroids or tofacitinib, to DVT and PE.
Univariate Comparison Of Muscle Strength Physical Performance Tests And Habitual Physical Activity Between Uc Patients And Controls
The results for HGS, QS, ST, GS and the HPA evaluation for UC patients and controls are summarized in . QS was significantly decreased in UC patients compared with controls . UC patients were significantly slower than controls at the ST and at the GS test . In addition, HPA levels were significantly decreased in UC patients compared with controls . There was no significant difference in HGS between both groups.
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Sex Pregnancy And Ankylosing Spondylitis
Sex may be painful if you have ankylosing spondylitis. If it is, try taking some painkillers beforehand and experiment with different positions.
Ankylosing spondylitis can make you feel tired, so its important your partner understands how your condition affects you. Good communication can help you maintain an active sex life and counselling can sometimes benefit both partners.
Its fine to use the contraceptive pill if you have ankylosing spondylitis, but you should tell your doctor youre taking it.
If youre thinking of starting a family, its very important for both men and women with ankylosing spondylitis to discuss medication with a doctor beforehand.
Some drugs such as methotrexate should be stopped several months before a woman tries to get pregnant. Latest research suggests its safe for men to take methotrexate when trying for a baby with their partner.
Biological therapies seem to be safe in the earlier stages of pregnancy but are then stopped later in pregnancy.
If you become pregnant while using a conventional DMARD such as methotrexate or a biological therapy, discuss this with your rheumatology team as soon as possible.
Usually, pregnancy doesnt cause any special problems for the mother or baby, though the symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis may not ease during pregnancy. If your spine is very stiff, it may not be possible to have an epidural during childbirth. This is an injection into the back that stops people feeling pain in part of the body.
Basics Of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Arthritis means inflammation of joints. Inflammation is a body process that can result in pain, swelling, warmth, redness and stiffness. Sometimes inflammation can also affect the bowel. When it does that process is called inflammatory bowel disease . IBD is actually two separate diseases: Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
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Issues With Your Eyes
Ulcerative colitis can trigger irritation or inflammation in the eye. When you have a red eye, or an eye thats inflamed, that can be serious, so you need to see an ophthalmologist, says Rubin. Its very treatable, but usually its a sign that the bowels inflamed, as well. Fortunately, there are treatments available that address both the eye issue as well as the inflammation in the colon, though its important to catch eye issues early on to help preserve your vision.
Five Tips For Dealing With Ulcerative Colitis Pain
There are ways to combat the pain that comes along with ulcerative colitis flare-ups. However, it is always best to get treatment from a doctor as they are most likely to efficiently and safely resolve your symptoms.
Here are five strategies you can use to help relieve symptoms and avoid a flare-up in the first place.
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Inflammation From Ulcerative Colitis
It seems that arthritis, or inflammation of the joints, is a common IBD complication. This problem limits ones mobility and potentially causes daily pain that, in turn, affects work, exercise, or life in general.
For me, I detect it most at night. The throbbing pain awakens me many times throughout each night. If I lie in certain positions too long, my elbows shoot pain up my arms. Often, it hurts to move and stretch my arms out fully. Sometimes, my fingers and elbows seem to be at war with one another as in which area wants to cramp and hurt the most.
But this pain doesnt just occur at night. During the day, I also experience the aches, screams, and complaints of my elbows, ankles, and fingers. I never even realized the connection between my IBD and joint pain until a friend of mine with Crohns happened to mention it one day.
In my head, I thought, “Really? As if a life of bloating, gut pain, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding arent enough with colitis?” So, my online investigation on the connection between joint pain and ulcerative colitis began.
Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms You Should Never Ignore
Ulcerative colitis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the colon and causes a range of symptoms, both in the GI tract and around the body.
Symptoms of ulcerative colitis, a type of inflammatory bowel disease , can vary widely depending on how much inflammation a person has and where the inflammation is located.
Abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea are the most common warning signs of UC, and can range from mild and intermittent to severe and chronic. The pain of UC is quite common and can significantly impact quality of life. Ulcerative colitis symptoms tend to come and go, often with extended periods of time in between flares. These are called remission periods.
The disease tends to develop gradually over time, so you might not automatically think of ulcerative colitis or IBD if you have occasional abdominal pain or digestive distress.
Ongoing inflammation along with ulcers and abscesses in the intestines are additional common causes of pain. Scarring in the lining of the intestinal tract can lead to painful obstructions. Pain may occur in different areas such as the abdomen or rectal area, depending where the inflammation is located. For example, people may experience moderate to severe pain on the left side of the abdomen if the UC affects the rectum and the lower segment of colon.
UC symptoms might ebb and flow, but they wont go away unless you see a gastroenterologist and start treatment.
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Dietary Modifications For Uc Pain
There is no single diet that will work for everyone with UC. Thats why its important to have a very clear conversation with your doctor about what foods you seem to tolerate, especially during a flare of your symptoms. There are some foods that may make your symptoms worse, according to the Crohns and Colitis Foundation. These include foods that are hard to digest such as seeds, nuts, broccoli, and cauliflower. You may also want to experiment by reducing your intake of high lactose foods such as milk and cheese to see if these are making your pain worse. Eliminating foods high in sugar and fat may also provide some relief.
What Causes Uc Cramping
Common causes of UC cramping, according to Ha, are flare-ups, lack of sufficient control of the condition , eating foods that are high in saturated fat or sugar, and adverse reactions to medication.
Cramping due to gas and bloating can also be caused by irritable bowel syndrome , a separate condition from ulcerative colitis that can cause symptoms even when your disease is in remission. IBS can be linked to certain gas-causing foods, including dairy if youre lactose intolerant.
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Pain From Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Pain is a big one! People living with IBD often feel misunderstood by their friends and family members and even the healthcare professionals they look to for information. Because IBD is often invisible, loved ones donât understand that pain plays a major role in the day to day and that your entire body can hurt, not just your stomach.
What Those Who Live With Ibd Can Do
People who have IBD who are looking for over-the-counter pain relief may wish to consider acetaminophen. Acetaminophen, sold under many brand names, including Tylenol, is not an NSAID and may be a better choice for people with IBD who need a pain reliever. How acetaminophen works to block pain isnt completely understood, but it is thought to involve stopping the creation of prostaglandins.
People with IBD should always question the addition of a new drug prescription, especially those that are used to manage pain. Not every healthcare professional is aware of the possible connection between painkillers and IBD.
When people with IBD are going to undergo surgery or procedures not related to the digestive tract, its important to loop a gastroenterologist in for a discussion about pain relief to make sure the latest information about NSAIDs and how they apply to IBD is being taken into account.
Below is a table of NSAIDs available by prescription or over-the-counter. This is by no means an exhaustive list, so please consult a pharmacist or doctor for concerns about specific drugs.
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Be Diligent And Careful With Medication
A physician will usually prescribe an anti-inflammatory and medication to help with an overactive immune system with a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis. This medication is vital to fight off flare-ups and missing a dose can be a trigger all by itself.
When taking medication for this condition, it is always wise to consult a doctor. Certain over-the-counter medications, like NSAIDs, can exacerbate ulcerative colitis as well as cause other issues.
What Are The Causes And Risk Factors Of Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis is believed to be caused by an abnormal response by your bodys immune system.
Your immune system is supposed to defend you against harmful invasive bacteria and viruses. But in some people, the immune system mistakenly attacks the bodys own tissue.
While we dont know exactly what causes ulcerative colitis, there are two leading theories:
Experts believe that ulcerative colitis develops because of a combination of environmental factors and genetic predisposition.
Fatty cold-water fish such as mackerel, tuna, salmon, sardines, and herring are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
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How Can You Reduce Arthritis Risk
People with ulcerative colitis need to find ways to reduce the risk of arthritis and joint pain. Here are some conditions that may help you in this condition.
1. Eating a healthful diet can help you with anti-inflammatory problems which are one of the causes for arthritis.
2. Avoiding certain foods that may cause inflammation in the digestive system. This can worsen with ulcerative colitis and cause complications. Dairy products mostly contain high fiber and high fats which should be avoided.
3. Lowering stress levels because stress can actually increase the risk of inflammation which leads to joint pain and arthritis.
Picture Credits- pexels.com, cdc.gov.in