Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Herbal Treatment For Stomach Ulcer

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Are There Any Side Effects Of Remedies For Ulcers

The FASTEST Way to Heal an Ulcer

The side effects of these natural home remedies for ulcers may include:

  • Consuming excess cabbage can lead to gastric or flatulence problems. If you are belching too much, you may have to stop eating cabbage. People suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome can experience diarrhoea if they have excess cabbage.
  • Eating bananas in excess may trigger headaches or a feeling of drowsiness in some people.
  • Coconut milk can trigger allergies or cause constipation in some people. It can also result in weight gain and increases cholesterol levels.
  • Having raw garlic can lead to a feeling of burning sensation in your throat or mouth, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, gas or diarrhoea. Apart from that, consuming raw garlic can also result in body odour or unpleasant breath.
  • Excess honey can lead to constipation, bloating, diarrhoea and stomach cramping. Keep the amount in check if you are consuming it regularly.

Summary: Despite being effective, certain home remedies have some side effects which vary from person to person, so choose your home remedy only if you are not allergic or sensitive to the particular substance. Do not use any home remedies in excess as it may be harmful to health.

What About Sparkling Water

According to the Gastrointestinal Society, people have been using carbonated water to settle their stomachs for centuries. Some studies show that drinking carbonated water is more effective than drinking plain water for relief of indigestion.

Acid indigestion may be worse on an empty stomach, says Andrew L. Rubman, a naturopathic physician and director of the Southbury Clinic for Traditional Medicines in Southbury, Conn. Sparkling water is good to drink in between meals. Carbonated soft drinks should be avoided as much as possible.

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Stomach Ulcer Therapeutic Endoscopy

When a stomach ulcer goes untreated, it can start to bleed, and this can quickly become a medical emergency. When this happens, you may require surgery to repair the stomach damage. Fortunately, surgery for ulcers is not common because the other treatments are so effective.

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Have You Ever Spoken To A Doctor About It

There could be a few reasons why orange juice hurts your stomach. It could be that you have an intolerance to citrus fruits, or it could be that youre drinking too much juice and not enough water. Its also possible that you have a gastric ulcer, in which case orange juice would definitely hurt your stomach.

If youre experiencing pain and discomfort after drinking orange juice, its definitely a good idea to speak to your doctor about it. Theyll be able to determine the cause of your stomach pains and help you find a solution.

Column: Is There A Natural Help For Stomach Ulcers

15 Natural Remedies For Common Health Issues

Dear Readers,

This weeks column comes from a health issue Ive personally suffered and what I learned through that experience that can help others who develop the condition. Im talking about stomach ulcers.

In the United States, peptic ulcer disease affects approximately 4.6 million people annually, with an estimated 10% of the US population having evidence of a duodenal ulcer at some time. H pylori infection accounts for 90% of duodenal ulcers and 70-90% of gastric ulcers. The proportion of people with H pylori infection and peptic ulcer disease steadily increases with age.. BS Anand, MD Medscape

Stomach ulcers are actually fairly common by middle age, with a slightly higher prevalence in males than females. While it used to be thought that stress was the sole cause of ulcers, we now know theyre strongly associated with an H. pylori infection. As stated above, 90% of duodenal and up to 80% of gastric ulcers are caused by H. pylori. Data shows that infection prevalence is closely related to geography, with higher rates of infection in developing countries. It also shows that risk increases over the lifespan, such that 1 in 2 people have H. pylori by the time we reach 60.

So when I developed a stomach ulcer, this is what I turned to. For my gruel I used a combination of several herbs, ground up and mixed into water and taken 2x per day. I used marshmallow root, slippery elm root, ginger root, calendula flower, and cayenne pepper.


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When Stomach Pain Is And Is Not An Emergency

Most stomach pains are harmless. They may be caused by overeating, gas or indigestion. If your pain is short-term, goes away after passing gases or stools and with over-the-counter products or home remedies, there is nothing to worry about.

If your belly pain is severe, doesn’t go away or it keeps coming back, talk to your doctor.

You may have belly pain because of some problem that needs to be treated immediately. You should contact your doctor in an emergency rather than use self-care if you have the following:

  • Pain accompanied by a fever over 38.3 C or 101 F
  • Severe pain, fainting or inability to move
  • Pain that starts all over the belly but settles into one area, especially the lower right part of the belly
  • Extremely tender-to-the-touch and swollen belly
  • Pain lasting for more than a few hours
  • Extreme discomfort/pain in the belly
  • Unable to keep food down for more than two days

What Treatments Can Relieve Ulcer Pain

While over-the-counter medications can treat an upset stomach, they are generally not effective in treating ulcers. And taking over-the-counter painkillers could worsen the problem. That is why its better to see a doctor, who may combine several medications and therapies to relieve pain, cure the infection, and prevent it from worsening. Medications usually include:

Your doctor may also recommend making lifestyle modifications, including:

  • Avoiding spicy and oily food

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How Common Are Stomach Ulcers

Its not known exactly how common stomach ulcers are. They have become much less common since the 1980s because of much more effective treatments. So people with stomach ulcers now usually get better much more quickly.

The term peptic ulcer is used to describe ulcers that are caused by too much acid in the stomach. This includes stomach ulcers and also ulcers in the first part of the gut known as the duodenum. Stomach ulcers are less common than duodenal ulcers.

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Lemon Juice And Lemonade

Doctors on TV : Natural remedies for gastric ulcer [ENG SUB]

Lemon juice and lemonade are good drinks for nausea because lemons contain neutralizing acids, which form bicarbonates compounds that help relieve nausea.

If nausea is a frequent problem for you, you may want to stock up on lemons at the supermarket and keep lemon wedges in your refrigerator. If youre using lemons frequently, be sure to talk to your dentist about oral care.

Lemonade is one of the best home remedies for nausea for children who are comforted by a sweet drink. However, the sugar content of lemonade doesnt make it a great choice for frequent consumption. It can lead to sugar addiction, unhealthy blood sugar spikes, reactive hypoglycemia, and more.

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What Causes Gastric Ulcers

The best way to deal with disease is from cause to effect. Non of the best home remedies of stomach ulcers in the world will help you if you fail at the cause.

Peptic ulcers is an infection resulting from h pylori bacteria attack. It results in erosion of the stomach lining mucosa or small intestine, which occurs as a result of increased acidity in the gut, resulting in sores.

The most common bacteria that cause ulcers is Helicobacter pylori . It acts on the inner lining of the breadbasket accelerated by the acidity of the gut contents.

Excessive use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause this condition . NSAIDs are drugs frequently prescribed to treat pain, fever, and inflammation.

Smoking, uncontrolled stress, spices, and alcohol all increase the risk of duodenal ulcers by irritating the stomach lining mucosa and increasing acid production.

Chewing gums and snaking between meals links to development of ulcers. To heal ulcer you must avoid this substances.

Banana Good For Stomach Ulcer

Ingredients: Banana 2 and basil juice 1 teaspoon. .

Method: Take 2 ripe of banana, crush well and mix with 1 teaspoon of basil leaves juice to make fine paste. Now eat the remedy in the morning before breakfast.

Continuous to keep this process once daily and up to 4 to 6 months to get well soon completely. This remedy has best natural treatment for stomach ulcer.

Since the traditional fruit contains anti-bacterial properties and ability to inhibit both peptic and gastric stomach ulcers. And the ability to strengthen intestinal layers.

Advice: Do not consume any types of spices and alcohol. To prevent constipation, eat only boil foods.

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Drinks To Cure A Stomachache

A stomachache can occur for one of several reasons 1. You may have eaten some bad food, have a case of the nerves, or picked up a virus. You may even be suffering from a case of acid reflux. Whatever the reason, there are some drinks that you can take to help yourself feel better. Since they arent medications, you wont have to worry about any side effects.

Stomach Ulcer Diagnosis And Conventional Treatment

Stomach ulcers are also known as gastric ulcers. These are painful ...

If you suspect you have a stomach ulcer, see your doctor to first rule out other causes of your pain. In order to diagnose a stomach ulcer, your doctor may perform an endoscopy, which allows the doctor to view the inside lining of the esophagus, stomach and small intestine. Once a diagnosis is verified, treatment options can begin.

Your doctor will likely take your medical history and perform a physical exam along with a blood test, plus ask you about your past use of medications and possibly do an X-ray to locate a stomach ulcer. Testing the blood for H. pylori, plus doing a urea breath test and/or stool test to look for the presence of H. pylori antigens, are common ways to diagnose an ulcer.

The goal of stomach ulcer treatments is to help reduce pain and inflammation in the digestive tract, boost the immune system to fight H. pylori bacteria, prevent complications, and lower the chance for future ulcers from forming or returning.

Today, conventional treatment options for stomach ulcers include:

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Fight The Infection With A Little Cayenne Pepper

Capsaicin in cayenne pepper can help alleviate uneasiness and treat a stomach ulcer naturally. Capsaicin soothes the mucosal lining of the stomach and increases the release of alkali, which helps ease the discomfort and aid in the treatment of ulcers.

A 1997 study published in FEMS Microbiology Letters, found that capsaicin supplementation or consumption inhibited the growth of H. pylori.

According to a review published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition in 2006, the compound capsaicin present in cayenne pepper inhibits the secretion of stomach acids, boosts the production of alkali, and stimulates mucus secretions and gastric mucosal blood flow, thereby preventing and healing ulcers.

  • Mix a teaspoon of cayenne pepper into 1 glass of warm water. Drink the solution twice a day for 3 days. Gradually increase the amount of cayenne pepper up to ¼ teaspoon for the rest of the week.
  • Alternatively, take cayenne capsules that are available at health food stores. Consult your doctor for the right dosage.

When To Seek Medical Help

You need to contact your healthcare provider and get medical help if you:

  • Experience sharp pain in the stomach
  • Notice blood in stools, or notice black stools
  • Vomit blood that looks like coffee grounds
  • Experience weakness, difficulty breathing, or fainting6

You must not rely on home remedies alone for dealing with stomach ulcers and should consult a qualified doctor for advice if the symptoms do not improve with home remedies.

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History Of Ulcer Causes

Ulcers have a unique and interesting history when it comes to their suspected causes. For decades, stomach ulcers were considered to be psychosomatic, meaning a high-stress lifestyle was to blame. At the time doctors started identifying high rates of ulcers in hard-working businessmen who smoked a lot of cigarettes and were likely sleep-deprived, and then animal studies further confirmed stress-triggered ulcers. Rats producing high amounts of stomach acid experienced a decrease in stomach ulcer symptoms when researchers fed them antacids, so a connection was then drawn between ulcers, chronic stress and an increase in stomach acid, which changed ulcer treatment approaches forever.

A bacterium called Helicobacter pylori was then discovered that seemed to be present in nearly everyone suffering from ulcers. It was also found to run in families and was connected to other digestive disorders, including stomach cancer. In patients given medications/antibiotics to kill H. pylori, ulcers were often resolved at least for a period of time.

However, today its more common to treat ulcers using less risky acid-reducing drugs in combination with lifestyle and dietary changes, rather than prescribing antibiotics to kill H. pylori, which can come with complications and lead to antibiotic resistance. Antibiotics used to combat H. pylori can work short term to lower the bacteria, but dont seem to keep it from returning without other interventions.

How About H Pylori

Cabbage Juice the Natural cure/treatment for ulcers, help gastritis, and other stomach problems!

This dangerous spiralshaped bacterium is a common cause of the infection worldwide. H. pylori infection is usually contracted in childhood it may happen through food, water, or close contact with an infected individual. Most people with H. pylori dont display any symptoms until theyre older. In fact, they may go through life unaware that theyre infected. Half of the worlds population has H pylori. Although H. pylori infection usually doesnt cause problems in childhood, if left untreated it can cause chronic infection, gastritis , peptic ulcer disease in 10% of cases, and even stomach cancer in 1%. It may be certain strains of these bacteria are more dangerous than others.1

H. pylori lives and multiplies within the mucous layer that covers and protects tissues that line the stomach and small intestine. Often, H. pylori causes no problems, but sometimes it can disrupt the mucous layer and inflame the lining of your stomach or duodenum, producing an ulcer. To cure H. pylori infection, physicians generally prescribe antibiotics and other drugs that block acid production and increase the bioavailability of antibodies in the gastric mucosa. Proton pump inhibitors also help to stabilize some antibiotics. However, concerns are rising with such conventional therapies in the light of emerging evidence that frequent use of antibiotics for H. pylori infections increases its resistance to antibiotics and damage to the kidneys.

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Other Causes And Factors

Other causes are rare. For example, some viral infections can cause a stomach ulcer. Crohns disease may cause a stomach ulcer in addition to other problems of the gut.

Stomach cancer may at first look similar to an ulcer. Stomach cancer is uncommon but may need to be ruled out if you are found to have a stomach ulcer.

Inhibition Of Acid Production

Inhibition of acid production can improve gastric ulcer. Many herbal medicines with anti-gastric ulcer activity reduce gastric acid secretion .1). For example, oral Ocimum sanctum extract for 3 d induced a > 50% reduction in total gastric acidity. Similarly, oral Solanum nigrum fruits extract at a dose of 400 mg/kg lowered gastric acid concentration comparable to omeprazole . Herbal medicine-induced reduction in acid production could be due to: inhibition of H/K-ATPase activity, as demonstrated in animal models of gastric ulcer or stimulation of prostaglandin E2 production.

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How Long Does It Take To Recover Or To Get Rid Of Ulcers

Ulcers can be healed after the H. pylori bacterium that is causing it has been killed. It can take around 2 to 3 weeks before you start showing signs of improvement. This is because the natural remedies would take some time to show the effect. It may take another four to eight weeks for you to start healing gradually.

Summary: The time for recovery is generally 2-3 weeks. If you don’t observe any improvement within 2-3 weeks, it’s recommended to consult a doctor.

Herbal Remedies To Cure Stomach Disease


As per scientific calculation, 90% of all disease are caused due to deformity in stomach. If your stomach is fit and healthy, then your overall health will be good. Today we will be talking about the herbal and home remedies for a stomach disease called Peptic Ulcer.

Ulcers you can simply say is as, major form of wound. These can form in any internal organ, which is very painful and hectic. Today let us discuss about this stomach ulcer also called Peptic ulcer.

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Treating The Causes Of Peptic Ulcers

Doctors treat the underlying causes of peptic ulcers to help the ulcers heal and prevent them from coming back.

Helicobacter pylori infection

Doctors treat H. pylori infection with a combination of medicines. These medicines most often include

Your doctor may avoid prescribing antibiotics youve taken in the past because the H. pylori bacteria may have developed antibiotic resistance to those antibiotics.

If you are given medicines, take all doses exactly as your doctor prescribes. If you stop taking your medicine early, some bacteria may survive and persist in your stomach. In other words, H. pylori bacteria may develop antibiotic resistance.

To find out if the medicines worked, your health care professional may recommend testing you for H. pylori at least 4 weeks after youve finished taking the antibiotics.2 If you still have an H. pylori infection, your doctor may prescribe a different combination of antibiotics and other medicines to treat the infection. Making sure that all of the H. pylori bacteria have been killed is important.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

If you have a peptic ulcer caused by taking NSAIDs, your doctor may recommend changing your medicines. Depending on the reason you have been taking NSAIDs, your doctor may suggest stopping NSAIDs, taking a different NSAID, taking a lower-dose NSAID, or taking a different medicine for pain.

Other causes

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