Thursday, July 25, 2024

Herbal Treatment For Ulcerative Colitis

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Supplements Being Studied For Ulcerative Colitis

Treat Ulcerative Colitis Naturally with Herbal Remedies

Researchers are checking a number of supplements to see if they can help people with UC. In at least one study, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil reduced symptoms and prevented UC from returning. Other studies, however, have not had the same results.

Probiotics are âgoodâ bacteria or other microorganisms that can be healthful. Several studies show they reduce ulcerative colitis symptoms. The thinking is that probiotics, like lactobacillus or live-culture yogurt, help to restore balance to the good bacteria that live inside the intestines.

A few studies have seen benefits from aloe vera when you take it in the form of a gel that you swallow, but more research is needed to confirm this.

Talk to your doctor about other supplements that are being studied to see if they can help you manage ulcerative colitis.

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Tianeptine The Little Known Anti

First marketed for depression in France in 1989, tianeptine is an approved antidepressant in more than 60 countries. The United States is not one of them.

Tianeptine is sold under the trade names Stablon, Coaxil, and others.

Tianeptine works differently in the brain to most antidepressants in the fact it acts on the mu opioid receptor, the target of morphine and oxycodone.

Jonathan Javitch, a study co-author and chief of molecular therapeutics at Columbia University states This is the only current antidepressant that works through this mechanism.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a common early symptom that sufferers of ulcerative colitis may get several years before they get the full blown autoimmune disease. I personally had symptoms that could clearly be described as irritable bowel.

However there is an all natural equivalent to Tianeptine that has a far wider range of positive health benefits with a history of thousands of years of traditional use as a plant medicine.

Extraintestinal Manifestations And Complications


UC is characterized by immune dysregulation and systemic inflammation, which may result in symptoms and complications outside the colon. Commonly affected organs include: eyes, joints, skin, and liver. The frequency of such extraintestinal manifestations has been reported as between 6 and 47%.

UC may affect the mouth. About 8% of individuals with UC develop oral manifestations. The two most common oral manifestations are aphthous stomatitis and angular cheilitis. Aphthous stomatitis is characterized by ulcers in the mouth, which are benign, noncontagious and often recurrent. Angular chelitis is characterized by redness at the corners of the mouth, which may include painful sores or breaks in the skin. Very rarely, benign pustules may occur in the mouth .

UC may affect the eyes. Inflammation may occur in the interior portion of the eye, leading to uveitis and iritis. Uveitis can cause blurred vision and eye pain, especially when exposed to light . Untreated, uveitis can lead to permanent vision loss. Inflammation may also involve the white part of the eye or the overlying connective tissue , causing conditions called scleritis and episcleritis. Uveitis and iritis are more commonly associated with ulcerative colitis, whereas episcleritis is more commonly associated with Crohn’s disease.

Read Also: Chinese Herbal Medicine For Ulcerative Colitis

On The Basis Of Type Of Injury

  • Incised wounds – These wounds are caused by a sharp knife or blade. These are clean wounds and after proper investigation they are closed by simple primary sutures within the 6 hours of investigation.
  • Lacerated wounds – This type of wounds occurs commonly after road accidents that have usually rough edges. The wound debridement is to be done within 6 hours of injury.
  • Penetrating wounds – Almost mimic incised wounds the difference is just depth is more. Wound is investigated layer by layer and stitched within 6 hours of injury.
  • Crushed wounds – Wound occur by excessive crush injury like in road accidents, war injuries or industrial accidents.

First Talk With Your Doctor

Pin on Ayurvedic Treatment For Ulcerative Colitis

Natural therapies may sound harmless, but get a pro opinion before you try anything, advises Dr. Dupont. The most important thing is to go over anything youre thinking of taking with your doctor, he says. Many of them do have benefits and are safe, but some may have interactions with medications. Now is not the time to drop-kick your prescription, either. Complementary medicine should be used in conjunction with, not as a replacement for, conventional medicine, he adds. If youâre curious about trying supplements, here are few worth looking into.

Recommended Reading: Is Imodium Safe For Ulcerative Colitis

Lunch Ideas For Ulcerative Colitis

1 cup yogurt or 1 cup apple juice
Dinner Mashed pumpkin and grilled lean meat

Now you know how you can design your daily menu without having to stress about flare-ups. There are also other alternative remedies available that, along with your choice of food, can help alleviate the pain and discomfort. Heres what else you can do to pacify your colon.

Microbiota And Gastrointestinal Diseases

There is a symbiotic relationship between the microbiota and the gut: the human host contributes the nutrients needed for the survival of the microbes, which in turn aid the host in nutrition , protection against pathogens, and regulation of the immune responses . A disruption in the ecological balance of the GI microbiota can lead to GI diseases or be caused by them. In IBD there is a decrease in the population of several protective bacteria and an increase in the population of harmful bacteria . Food poisoning may be viral, but is mostly due to bacterial contamination in food and water. A large portion of the population also has Helicobacter pylori infection, which can lead to secondary diseases . The infecting bacteria, or the antibiotics used to eliminate them, may also alter the balance of the indigenous microbiota. Often these problems are overcome on their own with time, but sometimes probiotic supplementation may be needed .

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Study Population And Follow

Patients of 18 years or older with a UC diagnosis from July 2005 until January 2015 were identified using International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision codes . Moderate disease activity was defined as having a partial Mayo score of 24 being treated with prednisolone < 40 mg/day or its equivalent. Severe disease was defined as having a partial Mayo score of 59 and being treated with prednisone 40 mg/day or its equivalent. Patients were followed from the date of eligibility with moderate UC until the date of progression to severe UC.

What Are The Different Types Of Ulcerative Colitis And Their Symptoms

Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis with Herbal Remedies & Real Testimonial
  • Ulcerative Procititis: Bowel inflammation is limited to the rectum .It affects the small area. It accounts nearly 30% of all cases. It is associated with fewer complications.
  • Proctosigmiditis: It affects the recto- sigmoid colon which adjacent to the rectum. Symptoms include bloody diarrhea, cramps and always urge to pass the stool.
  • Left sided colitis: It involves the descending colon, which runs along the left side, Symptoms include loss of appetite, diarrhea, weight loss and severe pain in the left side of abdomen and bleeding.
  • Pan-ulcerative colitis: It effects whole colon. Symptoms include diarrhea, several abdominal pain and extensive weight loss. It is associated with some serious complications.

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What Really Causes Ulcerative Colitis

From my years of experience of having helped hundreds of people treat ulcerative colitis without being dependent on long term medications, I feel I have gained a good understanding of what causes ulcerative colitis, and how to cure ulcerative colitis naturally.

Most doctors will not question the conventional and somewhat vague medical reason, which I was told was an autoimmune disease with no known cause.

I asked my gastrointestinal consultant if she knew how to cure ulcerative colitis naturally, whether chronic stress was a cause, as I was in a very stressful career and I asked whether my diet that was high in gluten may be a trigger factor?

She said there was no proof for this and basically told me to shut up and keep taking the pills as they were the only approved treatment. I really wanted to know the true cause because with this knowledge I would then be able to figure out how to cure ulcerative colitis naturally, without being dependent on the medications that were making me feel much worse!

From deep personal introspection and by going back to my own feeling for what causes ulcerative colitis in myself, I believe the main causes for most people are:

  • Genetically you may be prone to ulcerative colitis as it may run in your family. However many people who have relatives with ulcerative colitis do not get ulcerative colitis and vice versa.
  • What Is Ulcerative Colitis

    Ulcerative colitis is the inflammation of the colon that goes on to develop ulcers. Its a chronic disease that requires lifelong treatment.

    One of its risk is that is can trigger colorectal cancer.

    Medicinal fruits and herbs can help treat your symptoms and prevent complications or relapses. However, medical treatment is absolutely required in order to treat ulcerative colitis. Therefore, its extremely important to follow the advice of a specialist.

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    Demographics And Clinical Characteristics

    In total, 2,450 patients diagnosed with UC were retrieved from the EMR over the period 20052015. The vast majority of the diagnoses were made at gastroenterology, internal medicine, and surgery secondary care units and only few at other care units. Largely, 60% of patients were classified as unspecified UC according to the ICD-10, the majority of which with moderate disease activity. Of all UC patients registered in the EMR, 9% were not retrievable through extraction with the CXP 4.0 . There were also numerous comorbidities with arthritis, asthma bronchiale, and cancer being the most prevalent however, none of which exceeding 8% in the study cohort .

    What Types Of Diets Should I Consider

    How To Treat Ulcerative colitis Flare in Ayurveda  Ideal Diet and Home ...

    Both experts agree that everyones ulcerative colitis symptoms, triggers, and treatments are different, but there are certain eating styles that may be worth considering.

    Talk with a health professional about whether one of these diets could be beneficial for you.

    FODMAP is an acronym for types of carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine, specifically:

    Some health care providers may counsel their patients to try a FODMAP elimination diet during an UC flare, followed by reintroduction of FODMAP foods once in remission.

    What does that mean for actually eating food? Well, you may want to try swapping high-FODMAPs like cauliflower, mushrooms, dried fruit, cows milk, and legumes for low-FODAMPs like eggplant, carrots, grapes, potatoes, eggs, quinoa, and tofu.

    The Mediterranean diet is widely considered to be one of the worlds healthiest eating patterns for people with and without chronic conditions.

    Characterized by a high consumption of fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fatshello, olive oil and fish the Mediterranean diet has been linked with increased diversity of the gut microbiome9. Good news for people with IBD, since diversity in the gut bacteria could help to ease symptoms.

    While you may have heard of the paleo diet, the autoimmune protocol diet , which is considered to be similar to the paleo diet, may have some benefits for people with IBD.

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    Look For More Natural Remedies Online

    Since ulcerative colitis is a chronic illness, there is no cure. Learning about your condition and your body might help you manage your symptoms naturally without needing surgery or medication.

    Start by monitoring your food intake and learning which ingredients can trigger symptoms. Exercise at least three to four times a week, practice mindful activities and try some herbal remedies. By implementing some simple lifestyle changes into your routine, you can take back some control over your condition.

    Talk to your doctors about more natural remedies you can do. There are lots of treatments to discover online, and you can also learn which methods have worked for other ulcerative colitis patients. Make sure to try more than one remedy to see what combination can work for you.

    JOKE_PHATRAPONG / Shutterstock

    Can Food Cure Crohns Or Colitis

    You may come across diets that claim to cure Crohns or Colitis, but there isnt any evidence to prove that these work. A healthy, balanced diet will give you nutrients that are important to help you stay well.Some people find that making small changes to their diet, for example avoiding spicy food, helps them cope with their symptoms. If cutting out a food makes no difference to your symptoms, make sure you start eating it again to avoid missing out on important nutrients.There are times when your IBD team or dietitian may advise you to change your diet, for example, after surgery or if you have a narrowing in your small intestine, called a stricture. Some people, such as children or people with Crohns, may benefit from a liquid diet, called exclusive enteral nutrition.Always speak to your GP or a dietitian before making any big changes to your diet.

    Ive tried just about all the different diets for Ulcerative Colitis and just gone round in a complete circle, not finding any success, only causing problems and stress! I now realise the most important thing is to eat a balanced diet and enjoy my food!


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    Herbal Medicines Useful To Treat Inflammatory And Ulcerative Gastrointestinal Disorders: Preclinical And Clinical Studies

    Sérgio Faloni de AndradeAccepted

    Gastrointestinal disorders are among the most common illnesses that affect people nowadays. Their prevalence and incidence have been on the rise during the last decade. This high prevalence and incidence are due to the contemporary lifestyle we live. Such lifestyles include bad dietary habits, consumption of drugs, alcoholic drinks, and stress. It is very common that gastrointestinal disorders are characterized with inflammatory and ulcerative processes from the stomach or gut.

    The clinical study was performed by B. Liu et al., who reported that the use of Chinese medicinal herbs mix composed of seven plants and mesalazine in the treatment of ulcerative colitis . In this study, 60 patients with chronic UC were treated only with either oral mesalazine or mesalazine in combination with CIF enema. The results showed that combination of mesalazine and CIF significantly improved the clinical symptoms, the colon mucosal conditions, the Mayo Clinic Disease Activity Index, and quality of life, when compared to mesalazine alone.

    The third preclinical study was done by H. Zhang et al., who tested the effects of two Chinese herbal formulations, Erchen decoction and Linguizhugan decoction , on insulin resistance in rats. The results indicated that ECD and LGZGD have protective effects against high-fat diet-induced liver insulin resistance and their underlying mechanisms involve the TNF- and insulin pathway.

    Sérgio Faloni de Andrade

    Treatment Of Active Disease

    Natural Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis – Herbal Cure | Real Testimonial

    The total number of studies referring to the treatment of active UC was 11 and the number of patients included was 1008 .

    Aloe vera

    Aloe vera is a herbal preparation with significant anti-inflammatory effects. The leaves of the plant contain an abundance of phytochemical substances including acetylated mannans, polymannans, anthraquinone C-glycosides, anthrones, anthraquinones , and lectins, most of which are under intense search.

    In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, 44 hospital outpatients with mild to moderately active UC were randomly given oral aloe vera gel or placebo, 100 mL b.i.d. for 4 weeks, in a 2:1 ratio. Oral administration of aloe vera produced a clinical response more often than placebo it also reduced the histological disease activity and appeared to be safe .

    This herbal seems to be effective in some proportion of patients with active UC. Further studies are necessary using different doses in larger number of patients.

    Triticum aestivum

    Triticum aestivum, common as bread wheat, is an annual grass belonging to the Poaceae family. It can be found in the form of liquid or powder. It contains chlorophyll, aminoacids, vitamins and various enzymes. The plant can be used as food, or as a drug with unique therapeutic potentials for which, however, there is no strong scientific support. It can be found as a fresh product, tablets, frozen juice, or powder.

    Andrographis paniculata

    Boswellia serrata

    Jian Pi Ling


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    Should You Try Complementary Treatment For Ulcerative Colitis

    Finding the right treatment for ulcerative colitis the right combination of medications in the correct doses is key to getting your symptoms under control and putting the disease into remission. Some people find that adding alternative therapies to their treatment plan helps provide additional relief.

    Could a complementary approach be right for you? Here are some alternative therapies for ulcerative colitis that are gaining attention for their positive results. Always speak to your doctor before adding any of these to your treatment plan.

    The Importance Of Limiting Gluten

    Youve probably heard gluten being thrown around before, but what actually is Gluten, and why do so many people loathe it? Gluten is a type of protein in grains like wheat, barley, and rye. Gluten is comparable to a glue that holds food together and is best known for its stretchy quality. Gluten is a staple in most processed foods available in grocery stores unless explicitly stated in the ingredients. Its naturally in most wheat products or any products that contain grains. Gluten is a detriment to those who have Ulcerative Colitis because it contains high levels of anti-nutrients. These anti-nutrients can bind with and interfere with the absorption and digestion of nutrients in your gut, which in turn causes inflammation.

    Consumption of Gluten also releases zonulin in the body. Zonulin is like an invader that has the ability to control the opening and closing of your gut lining. The release of zonulin is said to take over our natural selective gut habits, by basically taking your bodys gut lining opening hostage. This protein has a mind of its own and decides for itself when to open your gut linings junctions, even if opening the junction is detrimental to your gut health! Consuming gluten allows zonulin to open up your gut lining and let the anti-nutrients into your gut. Without gluten, your body naturally filters out these anti-nutrients. This gatekeeping can then lead to inflammation and gut irritation, which can make your symptoms worse in the long run.

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