Thursday, July 25, 2024

Meal Replacement Shakes For Ulcerative Colitis

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How To Control Weight Gain On Prednisone

IBD Clinical Remission | A Day Following the Biome Optima Meal Plan | Ulcerative Colitis Case Study

If weight gain is particularly bothersome, talk to your doctor about modifying your drug regimen. You should never stop taking medicine on your own. Steroids need to be tapered slowly under your doctors guidance. According to the Hospital for Special Surgery, rapid withdrawal of steroids may cause fatigue, joint pain, muscle stiffness, or fever.

Your doctor may be able to prescribe a different corticosteroid, like budenoside. This alternative is quickly metabolized by the liver, thereby reducing corticosteroid-related side effects, and appears to be as effective as prednisone, says Bedford.

Furthermore, employing a few simple nutritional strategies while youre on prednisone can help you avoid the worst of the weight gain and stay healthier overall, says Scarlata:

  • Reduce sodium intake. Minimize canned and processed foods, soy sauce, cold cuts, chips, and other salty snacks, because high-sodium foods contribute to water retention.
  • Choose low-calorie sources of calcium. Another prednisone side effect is the risk for bone mineral loss, so boosting calcium intake is important. But be careful about which calcium-rich foods youre consuming. Some, like whole milk, also contain a lot of fat. Instead, try lower-calorie sources of calcium, like low-fat dairy, broccoli, kale, and chia seeds, says Scarlata, and consider a supplement.
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    Food Preparation And Meal Planning

    While there is no one-size-fits-all for meal planning, these tips can help guide you toward better daily nutrition:

    • Eat four to six small meals daily.

    • Stay hydrated drink enough to keep your urine light yellow to clear with water, broth, tomato juice, or a rehydration solution.

    • Drink slowly and avoid using a straw, which can cause you to ingest air, which may cause gas.

    • Prepare meals in advance, and keep your kitchen stocked with foods that you tolerate well .

    • Use simple cooking techniques boil, grill, steam, poach.

    • Use a food journal to keep track of what you eat and any symptoms you may experience.

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    Cereal With Low Fat Milk

    High fiber bran and wheat cereals could set off a bout of diarrhea and other ulcerative colitis symptoms. But you dont have to cross cereal off the snack list. Its still a good source of vitamins and minerals.

    You do want to choose your cereal wisely, though. Lower fiber options like corn flakes and rice puffs are easier on your gut.

    Yogurt is often easier on your gut if lactose causes ulcerative colitis symptoms. Or opt for a dairy alternative like soy or rice milk. Top your bowl of cereal with sliced bananas to ramp up the nutrition.

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    What Blender Is Best For Making Smoothies

    For most people, any old blender will do. But, if you have GI symptoms or plan to add whole nuts, seeds, or raw fruits or vegetables with thick skins and/or seeds then you might need a high-speed blender. A high-speed blender, like a Vitamix, will really pulverize those tough-to-digest nuts, skins, and seeds.

    Americas Test Kitchen tested several mid-priced blenders to see how they make smoothies and crush ice, among other functions. The winner was Brevilles Fresh & Furious. Smoothies are very smooth, and theres even a dedicated green smoothie button that completely blends fibrous ingredients into a silky smooth drink. Perfect for someone with an inflamed gut! Plus, its reasonably quiet and compact.

    If you dont have a heavy duty blender then stick to blending softer fruits, vegetables and smooth add-ons, like nut butters versus whole nuts.

    What Supplements Can I Take With Crohns

    Meal Replacement Shakes For Crohn

    The biggest supplement to avoid is whey protein powder. This is because many people find that dairy can have a negative effect on Crohns and worsen some of the symptoms. Swapping your whey protein for a plant-based protein powder is a smart move.

    Calcium and vitamin D are two common supplements for Crohns sufferers, particularly when they are avoiding dairy. Eating non-dairy foods that are high in calcium is also a good idea . Vitamin B12 is another great supplement because people with Crohns struggle to absorb enough of it through their diet.

    Iron is often recommended, but you need to discuss this with your doctor first as they will need to establish how high your current iron levels are before you can start supplementation. Zinc is a good supplement choice as people with Crohns are often deficient due to diarrhoea.

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    Finding Treatment For Overweight People With Ibd

    Among IBD patients with obesity, Bosworth says the approach to treatment varies. He stresses that diet is an important consideration, and that for people who are obese, weight loss is beneficial for their overall health and treatment.

    Just a five percent weight loss can make a big impact on a patients therapeutic success, Bosworth says.

    He explains that some people gain weight because their bodies are trying to control inflammation so well that the body actually adds fat to make up for the calories used to peel away inflammation.

    When a person comes in and is given a new diagnosis, treatment really varies from patient-to-patient and diagnosis-to-diagnosis, Bosworth adds. A treatment for maintaining Crohns and losing weight at the same time could be right for one person but might not be right for everyone.

    Bosworth laid out these helpful tips for people trying to manage their weight while also living with IBD:

    Make a change of diet. Bosworth says changes to your diet could help. For instance, a high ironbased diet could help speed up the metabolism and spur weight loss.

    Seek out surgery. I have had patients who are morbidly obese who have tried different types of diets and not found them to be effective, Bosworth says. Sometimes surgery has been the best path for these patients. I have had some obese patients who have needed to seek out bariatric surgery, for instance thats what they needed to improve their overall health and weight.

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    What People Are Saying

    I have enjoyed the support, guidance, and inspiration of a short list of thought leaders in the holistic health space. Dr. Michael Ruscio is at the top of the list.

    Kelly Brogan

    Dr. Ruscio is a leader in our field of functional medicine. He has always impressed me with his science-based approach that also includes a practical application emphasis.

    Dr. Dan Kalish

    Thanks to Dr. Ruscio, I dropped 2 pants sizes, eliminated bloating after each meal, and have tons of energy all day long!

    Sean Olsen

    I have studied gut health for nearly 20 years and have encountered few people with the level of knowledge on this topic that Dr. Ruscio possesses.

    Robb Wolf

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    Make Your Own High Calorie Supplement

    • 3/4 Cup Plain or Fruit
    • Flavoured Yogurt
    • 1/4 Cup Skim Milk Powder
    • 1/2 Cup Apple Juice
    • 1 Tbsp Honey or Sugar

    Version 2

    • 1 Cup Vanilla Ice Cream
    • 2-3 Scoops Whey Protein Powder

    These are not complete meal replacements, but they are a quick and tasty source of calories and nutrients. You can substitute lactose free or items that contain soya . You can add whey protein powder to shakes to increase the protein. Experiment with a variety of different fruits, juices or syrups!

    Top Tips for Increasing Calories in Your Diet
    • Melt onto hot items such as toast, pancakes, vegetables or popcorn.
    • Stir into items like soup, hot cereal, mashed potatoes and rice.

    Regular Mayonnaise

    • Combine with different foods like pasta, vegetables and sandwiches.
    • Use in sauces and dips.

    Regular Sour Cream

    • Serve over potatoes or perogies.
    • Use when baking muffins and breads.

    Iced Cream or Whipped Cream

    1/2 Cup ~ 145 kcal

    • Use as a topping for puddings, pies, waffles, pancakes, fruit, hot chocolate or jello.

    Dried Fruit, Nuts or Seeds

    1/4 Cup ~ 209 kcal

    • Mix into cereals, puddings or salads.

    Honey, Jam or Jelly

    • Spread over toast or crackers.
    • Use in baking, such as cookies and cakes.

    Table Cream

    • Add to hot beverages, milkshakes and other liquids.

    *kcal can vary by product, please look at label information for actual product information

    Your Fall Food And Drink Guide For Ulcerative Colitis

    Eating Healthy with Ulcerative Colitis

    Autumn brings dazzling foliage, cozy sweaters, wood-burning fires, and pumpkins, too. It also signals the return of savory comfort foods and spicy drinks. But people who have ulcerative colitis an autoimmune-related condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the lining of the colonmight find that some of their favorite, festive fall foods trigger unwanted symptoms. And no one wants to associate diarrhea and rectal bleeding with the arrival of Thanksgiving! Here are some expert tips for deciding which fall foods to choose to keep your UC under control.

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    Crohns And Ibs Friendly Supplement Guide

    Home » Supplements » Crohns and IBS Friendly Supplement Guide

    Crohns disease and IBS are often lumped together, but they are in fact very different disorders. This article is not designed to provide you with medical information about either, it is just here to give you a good idea of what supplements many sufferers have found beneficial, and which ones to avoid. The article is based on information from WebMD, the Crohns and Colitis Foundation, and the NHS website. These are all excellent websites to go to for medical advice.

    The Benefits Of Absorb Plus

    Weve all tried a million protein shakes which at times, seemingly made Crohns and Colitis worse! Time and time again, the universe proves you cant put health in a bottle

    One Crohns/Colitis warrior might have come up with the closest recipe yet to a healing nutritionist shake. Jini Patel Thompson, founder ofListenToYourGut, created a meal replacement shake with the sole purpose of reversing symptoms from IBD.

    Absorb Plus might be the answer to our inability to eat whole foods during a flare or even as a way to maintain our good health without negative effects. Absorb Plus is a predigested elemental mixture that allows for quick and effective absorption without causing an inflammatory response like most foods or shakes on the market. This shake is Gluten Free, Soy Free, 99% Casein/Lactose Free and has no artificial flavors or sweeteners. Not only can it be instrumental in the healing process but many have reported they have been able to gain up to 40 lbs of lean weight using Absorb Plus! Both Jini, Dane and thousands of others have utilized Absorb Plus successfully to reduce flares, add a quick alternative meal, increase options while traveling and sustain energy through lifes stressful times.

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    Framework For A Meal Smoothie

    • Protein: 1420 g
    • Liquid: ½1 cup
    • Healthy fat: 1 tsp to 1 tbsp
    • Fiber*: 1 tsp to 1 tbsp

    *For your fiber, consider a partially hydrolyzed guar gum, which may be better tolerated by those with GI issues, International Journal of Molecular Sciences. During an IBD flare, it may be beneficial to err on the side of caution with how much fiber you introduce into each meal and snack. Sticking to lower-fiber soft fruits and cooked vegetables can help under these conditions.

    Whey With Psyllium Husk

    OWYN®  Ulcerative Colitis  100% Vegan and Plant

    Psyllium husk powder derives from the seeds of the medicinal plant Plantago ovata. Although psyllium husk powder is not a protein powder, manufacturers may add it to whey powder to improve its digestibility. So people with digestive issues may benefit from whey protein powders with added psyllium.

    Psyllium husk powder may have additional benefits for people with UC. The plant helps draw water into the intestines, which can soften stools and ease constipation a common symptom of IBD.

    A found that psyllium husk can improve the composition of gut bacteria, particularly in people with constipation.

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    The Nutritional Benefits Of Smoothies

    Smoothies are one of the best ways to get your body the nutrition and calories it needs, says Burak. Theyre really versatile too. Not only do they double as meals or snacks, but the ingredients can also be tailored to a persons specific nutritional needs and tastes. Best of all, for people with Crohns disease, many foods are better tolerated in smoothie form.

    Blending begins the process of breaking food down, so smoothies give your digestive system a little bit of a break, says Burak. Plenty of her clients cannot eat whole fruits and vegetables or nuts and seeds. But throw it in a blender, she says, and they can get all the same minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients without the GI distress.

    One of those important nutrients is fiber, which is found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts. It is thought to help people with Crohns lower their risk of flares, according to a study published in December 2015 in the journal Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

    Maintain A Healthy Diet

    People with UC should eat a nutritious, well-balanced diet full of nutritious foods, including:

    • Fruits and vegetables: People should try a variety of fruits and vegetables and remove the peel and seeds if they trigger a flare.
    • Fiber-rich foods: These include whole grains, beans, nuts, oat bran, and barley. These foods are unsuitable for people with an ostomy or intestinal narrowing, and a person should avoid them if a doctor has advised them to follow a low fiber diet.
    • Calcium-rich foods: These foods include milk, yogurt, kefir, lactose-free dairy products, and collard greens.
    • Protein: Lean meats, fish, tofu, nuts, and eggs are good sources of protein.
    • Food with probiotics: People can try including more yogurt, miso, sauerkraut, tempeh, and kimchi in their diet.

    When experiencing a flare, a person may tolerate moderate portion sizes of the following foods:

    • low fiber fruits
    • lean protein, such as fish, poultry, soy, and eggs
    • refined grains, such as sourdough, white pasta, potatoes, and oatmeal
    • vegetables that are fully cooked and do not contain seeds or skin

    Specific diets that a person may wish to discuss with a healthcare professional include:

    • the Mediterranean diet, also known as the anti-inflammatory diet or IBD-AID
    • the Paleolithic diet
    • fasting diets

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    Coconut Water Can Replenish Electrolytes

    After a bout of severe diarrhea, a common Crohns symptom, you may need a little more punch than just plain old water. In this instance, for an IBD like Crohns disease, its best to turn to products with added electrolytes. Coconut water a natural source of electrolytes can make a refreshing change, says Catsos. If you choose another electrolyte replacement beverage, she adds, try to avoid those sweetened with high fructose corn syrup or crystalline fructose, or those with artificial coloring. Talk to your doctor if youre concerned about dehydration.

    Meal Replacement Drinks Can Help With Nutrient Intake For Crohns Disease

    Heal Ulcerative Colitis with this Smoothie. One Meal A Day Fruitarian

    If youre having difficulty maintaining weight, a characteristic trait of IBD and Crohns disease, a good meal replacement shake will deliver concentrated nutrition in a calorie-dense beverage. “Make sure the product is free of lactose, fructose, inulin , and sugar alcohols , advises Patsy Catsos, RDN, a digestive health expert in Portland, Maine, and author of IBS Free at Last!“Commercially prepared shakes can be very helpful, either as meal replacements or between meals to increase calorie and protein intake.

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    When To Call A Doctor

    Its best to touch base with your doctor regularly when you have Crohns. Since the disease has no cure, you want to stay on top of your treatment to avoid flares as best you can.

    If any of your symptoms suddenly get worse, try to call a doctor as soon as you can. You also want to make an appointment right away if you have persistent vomiting, symptoms of a fistula or intestinal blockage, or high fever.

    Facing The Complications From Obesity

    Knott is one of a growing number of people with inflammatory bowel disease who are struggling with weight issues.

    A study published in February 2017 in the journal Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology reported that 15 to 40 percent of people with IBD are overweight or obese. Diet and lifestyle changes over the past few decades have contributed to this shift. Certain drugs also play a role in weight gain.

    Whats worse, obesity can also complicate the management of an IBD.

    Obese patients with IBD may experience a more complicated course, be more prone to hospitalization, and spend more days in the hospital, says the studys coauthor, Siddharth Singh, MD, a clinical assistant professor of medicine in the division of gastroenterology and a postdoctoral fellow in the division of biomedical informatics at the University of California in San Diego School of Medicine in La Jolla. They may not respond to medication as robustly as nonobese patients, and may lose response to therapy quickly. They may need more surgeries, and in the case of surgery, obese patients are more likely to experience postoperative complications, particularly infections.

    One important factor contributing to obesity in people with IBD is steroid use, says Dr. Singh. Roughly 10 to 20 percent of patients treated with steroids can gain 10 pounds or more, along with experiencing other complications.

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