Friday, July 26, 2024

Does Smoking Cause Ulcers After Gastric Bypass

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Can I Smoke Before And After Gastric Sleeve Surgeryby Tijuana Bariatrics On July 09 2021

smoking after gastric bypass are you crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Medical obesity interferes with daily functions and increases the risk of numerous health problems, including heart disease and diabetes. Weight loss can significantly improve a persons mental and physical well-being, but shedding extra pounds is not easy.

Surgeons in the Tijuana Bariatrics network offer weight loss procedures, such as gastric sleeve surgery, to restrict the size of the stomach and reduce calorie intake. Gastric sleeve surgery offers promising results, but patients need to commit to the recovery process.

A common question among patients in Tijuana, Mexico, Monterrey, Mexico, and surrounding areas, is can I smoke before and after gastric sleeve? Here we discuss smoking restrictions surrounding bariatric surgery, and explain how this habit can interfere with the recovery process.

Cigarette Smoking And Gastrointestinal Diseases: The Causal Relationship And Underlying Molecular Mechanisms

  • Affiliations: School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, P.R. China, Institute of Digestive Diseases, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, P.R. China
  • Pages: 372-380
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    1. Introduction

    Cigarette smoking is the most preventable riskfactor for human health. According to a WHO report, 1.3 billionindividuals are active smokers worldwide and smoking kills sixmillion individuals each year eventually, half of these smokersdie due to smoking-related diseases . To this end, cigarette smoking isknown to be associated with cardiovascular diseases , cancers ,lung diseases , chronic renaldisorders and other diseasesremained to be defined. It has been regarded as a main killer andinduces serious problems in humans with major concerns in publichealth.

    A number of studies have provided evidence thatcigarette smoking is a major cause of gastrointestinal disorders, which include chronic inflammation, such as pepticulcers and inflammatory bowel disease , and cancers of the GItract .In this review, we mainly discuss the relationship between smokingand GI disorders, and the underlying mechanisms through whichcigarette smoke and its active ingredients affect the pathogenicprocesses of some of these diseases of the GI tract.

    2. Cigarette smoking increases the risk ofulcers and inflammatory diseases of the GI tract

    Effects of smoking on IBD

    Wound Healing And Infections

    Surgical wound infections are a serious concern for patients who smoke before bariatric surgery. In general, smokers have decreased blood flow due to vascular occlusion . The healing process can be significantly impacted if there is not enough oxygenated blood pumped to the surgical wound since bariatric surgery involves cutting and stapling the intestines. This can result in infections as oxygen is the primary source of wound healing.

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    Avoiding Nsaids Can Help Treat Intestinal Complications After Gastric Bypass Surgery

    Smoking cessation and Avoidance of NSAIDs can help prevent developing ulcers post-gastric bypass surgery.

    Treating marginal ulcers will vary depending on the patient and the severity of the situation. Some may be treated with medication to help control the stomach acid level such as proton pump inhibitors or PPI. Regular follow up appointments which may include additional endoscopic studies can show how well the patient is responding to the treatment. For those that use NSAIDs in conjunction with tobacco and/or alcohol use, cessation with both are just as important.

    Why Does Gastric Bypass Reflux Happen

    What Does An Ulcer Feel Like After Gastric Bypass

    The relationship between gastric bypass and acid reflux is complicated. While many people have an improvement in GERD following surgery, some people find it worsens. One of the reasons why reflux may worsen in because your stomach size becomes much smaller after surgery . Thus, your LES can become more prone to stretching and relaxing, especially with overeating.

    Anatomical problems, such as strictures, may cause GERD.

    Your gut microbiome may also change when your digestive tract is shortened. Certain bacteria are more prone to causing GERD, and these opportunistic bacteria may become overpopulated following surgery. Changes in your gut microbiota after gastric bypass may also affect your gastric pH and the metabolism of bile acids.

    Your gut is home to trillions of bacteria that are of vital importance to your health.

    Recommended Reading: How Do I Know If I Have A Peptic Ulcer

    Surgical Complications And Smoking

    Smoking has a big impact on surgical recovery and healing. Tobacco smoke shrinks the blood vessels, which restricts blood flow to the stomach, and prevents adequate oxygen from being delivered to the surgical site and throughout the body. Not only does this slow down surgical recovery, but it narrows the entrance to the new stomach pouch, which makes pain, nausea, and vomiting more likely.

    Cigarette smoke also increases the risk of ulcers, which can lead to internal bleeding, stomach obstruction , and stomach perforation. Any of these complications could create an emergency situation that requires surgical treatment.

    The Effects Of Tobacco On Bariatric Surgery

    Jan 11, 2017 | Bariatrics, Weight Loss Surgery

    Numerous studies have shown that tobacco smoking is hazardous for ones health. In fact, it is still the leading cause of preventable death worldwide. Smoking increases ones chance of developing cancer including those of the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, and lungs. It also increases the risk of getting heart disease and emphysema, medical conditions that candidates for bariatric surgery are already considered at risk for.

    Smoking is a risk to ones health in general, but it is also considered a serious surgical risk factor. When it comes to undergoing bariatric surgery, smoking can put a patient at a higher risk for experiencing dangerous blood clots or ulcers post procedure and these are only to list a few.

    Effects of Tobacco Smoking on Bariatric SurgeryResearch shows that there is a higher risk of surgery-related complications among bariatric surgery patients who have a history or are actively smoking. Compared to non-smokers, they are at higher risk of developing venous thromboembolism, respiratory complications, and delayed wound healing

    Respiratory ComplicationsTobacco smoking is shown to disrupt the lung function and breathing capacity of a person. There is a link between smoking and respiratory-related complications after bariatric surgery. A study shows that patients who smoke within one year after bariatric surgery are at higher risk of developing pneumonia.

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    Can You Get An Ulcer After Gastric Bypass

    5/5UlcerUlcersgastricafter gastric bypassulcers

    Beside this, are ulcers common after gastric bypass?

    One of the most common causes of nausea and vomiting in gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectom patients is an ulcer . This area around these staple lines is the most prone to developing ulcers.

    Subsequently, question is, what is an anastomotic ulcer? Anastomotic ulcer is a benign lesion which may potentially occur on the surgical resection margin of intestinal wall in both upper and lower tract.

    Just so, what do ulcers feel like after gastric bypass?

    In patients with a marginal ulcer, epigastric pain is the most common presenting symptom and is frequently the only symptom. However, patients may present with nausea and vomiting, dysphagia or bleeding from their ulcers which can lead to fatigue due to chronic anemia.

    Can you get gastritis after gastric bypass?

    Background. Bile reflux gastritis of the disconnected remnant stomach following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass causing chronic pain has not been reported. We report a series of symptomatic patients with remnant gastritis treated effectively with gastrectomy of the remnant stomach.

    Living Well After Weight Loss Surgery


    After bariatric surgery, nutrition complications can happen, but they dont have to. With the right amount of planning, effort and commitment, you can learn to not just live with vitamin deficiencies but live well and the experts at Soma Weight Loss can help. Because we want your weight loss journey to be successful for long after your procedure, you receive free weight loss services to continue living a healthy lifestyle and keep weight off. These free services include nutrition and exercise guidance, a monthly support group, a patient coordinator and regular follow-ups.

    Call 855-SOMA-411 to speak to someone at Soma Bariatrics, or complete our contact form to schedule a free consultation.

    Even Some Nonsmokers Picked Up The Habit Despite The Risks

    byKristen Monaco, Staff Writer, MedPage Today February 21, 2020

    Just like other would-be ex-smokers, most bariatric surgery patients who quit before the procedure began smoking again in the following years, according to a new study.

    Among nearly 1,800 adults who underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, about 85% of those still smoking in the year prior to surgery had quit, Wendy King, PhD, of the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, and colleagues reported in Annals of Surgery.

    Specifically, prevalence of current smoking dropped significantly from 13.7% down to 2.2% during the 12 months prior to surgery.

    But rates of current smoking crept back up afterward, with prevalence of 2.2% at time of surgery increasing to 9.6% during the first post-operative year, and reaching 14% by year 7 after surgery — almost exactly where it stood in the year before undergoing bypass.

    “Given the risks associated with smoking, both those related and unrelated to surgery, it’s important to note that the prevalence of smoking rebounded to pre-bariatric surgery levels,” co- author Gretchen White, PhD, of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, told MedPage Today. “That it took 7 years to do so highlights the risk of long-term relapse and new-onset smoking.”

    “Because of that, smoking cessation efforts should focus on long-term maintenance to prevent relapse. Clinicians should be aware of the risk factors for smoking post-surgery.”


    Primary Source

    Weight Loss Surgery Procedure Type Matters

    All bariatric procedures alter the anatomy and physiology of the digestive tract to some degree. Because of this, patients are susceptible to nutritional complications. But not all weight loss surgeries are created equal. Lap banding and gastric sleeve patients may develop vitamin deficiencies because their stomachs are smaller, theyre eating less, and their food preferences have changed, but in general, these procedures dont affect how the body absorbs calories and nutrients.

    Roux-en-Y gastric bypass patients, on the other hand, are at higher risk to develop vitamin deficiencies because not only are they eating less, but food is actually bypassing parts of the small intestine, whose main function is to absorb nutrients and minerals from food.

    Smoking And Gastric Bypass

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    Answer: Stop Smoking If You Lie You Could Die

    What Causes Stomach Ulcers?

    Unfortunately some patients are not truthful to their surgeon.This will only effect them in a negative way. Smoking not only will cause LUNG CANCER and HEART DISEASE, it will also increases the chance of major complications after any elective surgery. Cosmetic surgeons and Weight Loss surgeons, in particular, will not advise surgery on anyone that smokes. The more you smoke, the higher risk of complication like staple line leak, and ulceration.Most physicians don’t check with any blood, or urine test for nicotine level, and trust their patients. This trust should be on both sides between the patient and surgeon.

    Can Smoking Marijuana Harm You After Having The Gastric Bypass Surgery

    Smoking anything after gastric bypasssurgery is highly irritating to the new stomach “pouch” that iscreated during the surgery. This irritation can cause an ulcer inthe stomach, which is almost unbearably painful and prevents thepatient from eating or drinking. The other risk of smoking potafter the surgery is the munchies. Immediately after surgery your food intake is limited to a coupletablespoons to 1/2 cup of food per meal, and exceeding this amountof food will make you extremely sick, and can also result in deathif the staple line in the new stomach is ruptured because it isoverfilled. Later, overeating will havea profound affect on your ability to lose weight or maintain yourweight loss.

    To improve on the above, marijuana is used to TREAT ulcers!

    How Smoking Affects Your Body And Surgery Candidacy

    Inhaling tobacco smoke causes

    • The amount of carbon monoxide and nicotine in your blood to rise, reducing the amount of oxygen available for tissues throughout your body.
    • Your heart having to work harder due to higher blood pressure and pulse rate.

    Because smoking causes these issues, it can put patients who do it at risk when undergoing surgery. Bariatric surgery can also result in a decrease in oxygen and circulation which can be harmful to the patient.

    My Experience With A Stomach Ulcer After Gastric Sleeve

    I had my gastric sleeve surgery 23 months ago, and before my surgery, I experienced months of indigestion issues that resulted in periods of severe vomiting and nausea. I explained my experiences with my bariatrician, and we determined that I was not at risk of worsening my gastric sleeve ulcer symptoms after gastric sleeve surgery.

    For almost two years, I have not had one indigestion issue or difficulty. I have followed my food plan, monitored my liquid intake, and promoted positive lifestyle habits to prevent any possible ulcer complications. The only instance where my health was uncomfortable after surgery was eating too fast or not waiting long enough between meals to begin drinking again.

    Also, to keep my health in control and move in the right direction, I refrain from using any tobacco products, drinking alcohol, or using NSAIDs. I use acetaminophen or Tylenol when I have an ache or pain. I choose not to use any products that would irritate my sensitive stomach. I am mindful of my current health state and do not engage in any activity that would aggravate my condition or prevent my health progress.

    Weight Loss Caused By Smoking

    Will I Get Stomach Ulcers After Bariatric Surgery?

    For many who smoke, a suppressed appetite can be caused by the nicotine in cigarettes. However, it is not good when smokers lose weight due to the fact that the loss of appetite is a result of constricting blood vessels and not allowing sufficient blood to flow to your stomach. This can lead to your stomach to cease functioning.

    The negative effects of nicotine are why smoking is said to increase the rate of heart attacks and can lead to other serious issues such as lung cancer, heart disease, chronic bronchitis, and preventable death. Nicotine therapy may play a role in reducing the risk of infection with Coronavirus by half not confirmed.

    Many who eliminate smoking will experience weight gain as the nicotine leaves their body and their metabolism drops. In order to prevent weight gain during this time, it is important to have a healthy, well-balanced diet with lots of lean protein, vegetables, and low-calorie snacks to help keep you feeling full.

    What To Eat After Weight Loss Surgery

    Protein may be the most important food to focus on immediately after surgery as your body is recovering and losing weight quickly. Follow your weight loss doctors instructions for the best types and amounts of protein. Low-fat protein options include:

    • Chicken and turkey
    • Low-fat dairy products, such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk and yogurt
    • Peanut butter

    Always check with your healthcare provider before undergoing surgery to make sure you understand dietary restrictions and requirements post surgery.

    Other Reasons To Quit Smoking Before Bariatric Surgery

    In general, smokers after bariatric surgery have a 30% increased risk of complications. Similarly, long-term smoking can decrease ability to lose weight and increase the risk of future complications, such as ulcers at the site of surgery.

    You risk surgery postponement or cancellation if you smoke within four weeks prior to your procedure. Some surgeons will not risk performing the surgery due to the complications and difficult healing process brought upon by smoking.

    Though it may be difficult to quit smoking before bariatric surgery, overall life expectancy increases by about 10 to 15 years for patients who go through weight loss surgery. Meanwhile smokers, on average, see a in life expectancy of about ten years when compared to nonsmokers. Therefore, we encourage all of our bariatric patients to quit smoking as they make a commitment to leading a healthier life.

    Tobacco And Weight Loss

    Tobacco use is actually more prevalent among obese people than it is across the general population, with up to 38 percent of obese individuals being regular users of tobacco products. When you are making the choice to undergo weight loss surgery, it is time to put the tobacco products away for good. Aside from the standard health issues that smoking causes, from increasing risk of heart and lung disease to damaging the skin and posing an increased risk of cancer, smoking is a surgical risk factor.

    Bariatric surgery has a rather low risk factor, with under a one percent mortality risk. Among smokers, however, that risk doubles. This means that you are twice as likely to experience serious surgical complications leading to death if you are a smoker. Smokers are 1.5 times more likely to experience non-fatal surgical risks, too. This is just part of the reason why so many weight loss surgeons mandate that smoking cessation happens at least one year prior to surgery.

    Smoking increases your risk of experiencing the following surgical complications:

    • Blood clots
    • Surgical wound infection

    Smokers have almost a 30 percent complication rate after weight loss surgery, which is astoundingly higher than the surgical complication rate for non-smokers.

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    Risk Factors For Ulcer After Gastric Sleeve

    What Causes Stomach Ulcers and How Carafate Treat Stomach ...

    There are many health factors that you can use to prevent the onset or worsening of stomach ulcers. Some causes you can control are discontinuing smoking, drinking caffeine and alcohol, and ceasing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

    Drugs that are labeled as NSAIDs are Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Motrin, and Aleve. All of these over the counter drugs irritate the stomach lining, which increases inflammation of your gastric sleeve ulcer symptoms.

    Steroids also affect the lining of your stomach and delay healing after gastric sleeve surgery. You should schedule an appointment with your bariatrician if these medications are causing trouble with your health. Your best option is to stop taking over the counter medications that may irritate your stomach, including all NSAIDs.

    Be aware that certain drinks can irritate your stomach. Each decision has a consequence.

    Another way to prevent increasing your chance of developing an ulcer is by stopping all smoking activities. Smoking affects the lining of the stomach because smoking reduces the amount of oxygen that gets to your stomach tissue that is trying to heal. Smoking prevents your stomach from healing correctly.

    Another way you can prevent developing an ulcer is by limiting your alcohol consumption. Alcohol is risky after bariatric surgery because 80% of your stomach size is removed. Therefore you should be extremely cautious.

    Stomach complications after surgery are severe and possibly life-threatening.

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