Thursday, July 25, 2024

Ulcerated Nodular Basal Cell Carcinoma

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How Can Nodular Basal Cell Carcinoma Of Skin Be Prevented

Pathology 762 b Skin Basal Cell Carcinoma Gross Microscopy Rodent ulcer solid hairy malignant cancer

Currently, Nodular Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin is a malignant skin cancer that has no preventive measures. However, the following factors may help reduce the risk for the condition:

  • Avoid or minimize sun exposure
  • Limit the use of tanning beds, tanning parlors
  • Smoking cessation
  • If it is caused by certain underlying disorders, then treating the underlying condition may help in the treatment and early cure of Nodular BCC of Skin
  • Regular medical screening at periodic intervals with blood tests, scans, and physical examinations, are mandatory, due to its metastasizing potential and high possibility of recurrence. Often several years of active vigilance is necessary

Infiltrative Basal Cell Carcinoma Prognosis

8 out of 10 patients who are diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer will have basal cell carcinoma, which can present in a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Many basal cell carcinoma lesions are red or pink sores that refuse to heal, and can also be itchy or uncomfortable. Receiving an infiltrative basal cell carcinoma prognosis is unique because unlike many other forms of basal cell carcinoma, this variant is typically white and harder to see, due to it developing in between the skins collagen fibers. This growth pattern is more unusual, as basal cell carcinoma typically forms on the top-most layer of the skin.

Additional And Relevant Useful Information For Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma Of Skin:

There are multiple types of Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin:

  • Superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin
  • Nodular Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin
  • Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin
  • Micronodular Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin
  • Fibroepithelial Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin
  • Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin with Adnexal Differentiation
  • Basosquamous Carcinoma
  • Keratotic Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin

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Shiny White Blotches And Strands:

This structure can only be seen with polarized dermoscopy and consists of white patches or blotches and linear white areas called strands .


  • âLallas et al.: Dermoscopy uncovers clinically undetectable pigmentation in basal cell carcinoma. Br. J. Dermatol. 2014 170:192-5. PMID: 24117444. DOI.
  • âBakos et al.: Radial streaking: unusual dermoscopic pattern in pigmented superficial basal cell carcinoma. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2007 21:1263-5. PMID: 17894724. DOI.
  • â 3.03.1Altamura et al.: Dermatoscopy of basal cell carcinoma: morphologic variability of global and local features and accuracy of diagnosis. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 2010 62:67-75. PMID: 19828209. DOI.
  • âPopadiÄ & VukiÄeviÄ: What is the impact of tumour size on dermoscopic diagnosis of BCC?. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2015 29:2474-8. PMID: 25358026. DOI.
  • âMenzies: Dermoscopy of pigmented basal cell carcinoma. Clin. Dermatol. 2002 20:268-9. PMID: 12074864.
  • âMenzies et al.: Surface microscopy of pigmented basal cell carcinoma. Arch Dermatol 2000 136:1012-6. PMID: 10926737.
  • âNavarrete-Dechent et al.: Association of Shiny White Blotches and Strands With Nonpigmented Basal Cell Carcinoma: Evaluation of an Additional Dermoscopic Diagnostic Criterion. JAMA Dermatol 2016 152:546-52. PMID: 26792406. DOI.
  • This glossary term has not yet been described.

    This glossary term has not yet been described.

    This glossary term has not yet been described.

    Abbreviation for Basal Cell Carcinoma

    Who Gets Basal Cell Carcinoma

    Basal Cell Carcinoma Pictures

    Risk factors for BCC include:

    • Age and sex: BCCs are particularly prevalent in elderly males. However, they also affect females and younger adults
    • Repeated prior episodes of sunburn
    • Fair skin, blue eyes and blond or red hairnote BCC can also affect darker skin types
    • Previous cutaneous injury, thermal burn, disease
    • Inherited syndromes: BCC is a particular problem for families with basal cell naevus syndrome , Bazex-Dupré-Christol syndrome, Rombo syndrome, Oley syndrome and xeroderma pigmentosum
    • Other risk factors include ionising radiation, exposure to arsenic, and immune suppression due to disease or medicines

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    Symptoms And Signs Of Basal Cell Carcinoma

    The clinical manifestations and biologic behavior of basal cell carcinomas are highly variable. The most common types are

    • Nodular : These types are small, shiny, firm, almost translucent to pink nodules with telangiectases, usually on the face. Ulceration and crusting are common.

    • Superficial : These types are red or pink, marginated, thin papules or plaques, commonly on the trunk, that are difficult to differentiate from psoriasis or localized dermatitis.

    • Morpheaform : These types are flat, scarlike, indurated plaques that can be flesh-colored or light red and have vague borders.

    • Other: Other types are possible. Nodular and superficial basal cell carcinomas can produce pigment .

      This basal cell carcinoma appears as a flat, waxy, poorly demarcated plaque with prominent telangiectasia.

      Pigmented basal cell carcinoma is rare. These lesions are sometimes misdiagnosed as pigmented nevi or malignant melanomas.

    Most commonly, the carcinoma begins as a shiny papule, enlarges slowly, and, after a few months or years, shows a shiny, pearly border with prominent engorged vessels on the surface and a central dell or ulcer. Recurrent crusting or bleeding is not unusual. Commonly, the carcinomas may alternately crust and heal, which may unjustifiably decrease patients’ and physicians’ concern about the importance of the lesion.

    Who Gets Nodular Basal Cell Carcinoma Of Skin

    • Nodular Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin generally affects elderly or older adults some cases rarely develop in children too
    • Nodular BCC of Skin constitutes 80% of all Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin types. It is the most common type of BCC of Skin
    • It can occur in both males and females however
    • Among the older age group, males are affected more than females
    • In the younger age group, females are affected more than males, which may be attributed to their tendency to acquire sun-tanned bodies or visit skin tanning parlors more
  • This condition is observed worldwide across all racial and ethnic groups however, lighter-skinned individuals are more prone to Nodular BCC of Skin than darker-skinned individuals
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    Superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma

    This version occurs as erythematous plaque with different sizes . It is about 10-30% of basal cell carcinoma and occurs on the body skin. There is an erythematous squamous plaque with clear borders, pearl-shape edge, superficial erosion, without tendencies for invasive growth . The regression areas are presented as pale sections with fibrosis. The differential diagnosis includes Bowen disease, psoriasis, or eczema. The numerous superficial BCC are met often in case of arsenic exposure. Histology showed nests of basaloid cells located subepidermally, with clear connection with the basal layer of the epidermis and no infiltration of tumor cells in the reticular dermis .

    Superficial basal cell carcinoma. Several nests of basaloid cells are located subepidermally with clear connection with the basal layer of the epidermis

    How Can Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma Of Skin Be Prevented

    Basal Cell Carcinoma – Surgery

    Currently, Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin is a malignant skin cancer that has no preventive measures. However, the following factors may help reduce the risk for the condition:

    • Avoid or minimize sun exposure
    • Limit the use of tanning beds, tanning parlors
    • Smoking cessation
    • If it is caused by certain underlying disorders, then treating the underlying condition may help in the treatment and early cure of Infiltrating BCC of Skin
    • Regular medical screening at periodic intervals with blood tests, scans, and physical examinations, are mandatory, due to its metastasizing potential and high possibility of recurrence. Often several years of active vigilance is necessary

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    Who Gets Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma Of Skin

    • Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin is an uncommon skin cancer that generally affects elderly or older adults some cases rarely develop in children too
    • It can occur in both males and females however
    • Among the older age group, males are affected more than females
    • In the younger age group, females are affected more than males, which may be attributed to their tendency to acquire sun-tanned bodies or visit skin tanning parlors more
  • This condition is observed worldwide across all racial and ethnic groups however, lighter-skinned individuals are more prone to Infiltrating BCC of Skin than darker-skinned individuals
  • How Is Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma Of Skin Diagnosed

    Some of the tests that may help in diagnosing Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin include:

    • Complete physical examination with detailed medical history evaluation
    • Examination by a dermatologist using a dermoscopy, a special device to examine the skin
    • Woodâs lamp examination: In this procedure, the healthcare provider examines the skin using ultraviolet light. It is performed to examine the change in skin pigmentation
    • Skin or tissue biopsy: A skin or tissue biopsy is performed and sent to a laboratory for a pathological examination, who examines the biopsy under a microscope. After putting together clinical findings, special studies on tissues and with microscope findings, the pathologist arrives at a definitive diagnosis
    • Differential diagnosis of other tumors should be ruled out hence, biopsy is an important diagnostic tool

    Many clinical conditions may have similar signs and symptoms. Your healthcare provider may perform additional tests to rule out other clinical conditions to arrive at a definitive diagnosis.

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    What Is Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma Of Skin

    • Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin is a malignant cancer affecting the skin. It is a slow-growing tumor generally observed in older individuals, in both men and women
    • This malignant carcinoma, which may be present as a lesion on the sun-exposed areas of the body, has the potential to metastasize to the lymph nodes
    • Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin occurs as an irregular plaque and has the tendency to infiltrate deep into the body tissue, making them difficult to treat. It is an uncommon subtype of BCC of Skin
    • Some lesions may grow to large sizes and ulcerate. They can also infiltrate into the adjoining soft tissues and nerves. Larger tumors also have a greater tendency to recur after treatment
    • The cause of Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin is unknown, but factors such as chronic sun exposure, smoking, and ionizing radiation, etc., are known to contribute towards its development. Also, fair-skinned Caucasians have a greater risk than dark-skinned Africans and Asians
    • Any combination of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and invasive procedures are used to treat Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin. Small-sized tumors and tumors that have not metastasized can be cured through appropriate skin surgery
    • The prognosis for metastatic tumors depends upon many factors including the stage of the tumor, health status of the individual, and treatment response. The prognosis may be guarded

    Prevention Of Basal Cell Carcinoma


    Because basal cell carcinoma is often caused by sun exposure, people can help prevent this cancer by doing the following:

    • Avoiding the sun: For example, seeking shade, minimizing outdoor activities between 10 AM and 4 PM , and avoiding sunbathing and the use of tanning beds

    • Wearing protective clothing: For example, long-sleeved shirts, pants, and broad-brimmed hats

    • Using sunscreen: At least sun protection factor 30 with UVA and UVB protection used as directed and reapplied every 2 hours and after swimming or sweating but not used to prolong sun exposure

    In addition, any skin change that lasts for more than a few weeks should be evaluated by a doctor.

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    What Is The Treatment For Advanced Or Metastatic Basal Cell Carcinoma

    Locally advanced primary, recurrent or metastatic BCC requires multidisciplinary consultation. Often a combination of treatments is used.

    Targeted therapy refers to the hedgehog signalling pathway inhibitors, vismodegib and sonidegib. These drugs have some important risks and side effects.

    Types Of Basal Cell Cancer: Nodular Superficial And

    Basal cell carcinoma is the most common skin cancer and the least dangerousbut it’s far from a trivial matter, reports the May issue of the Harvard Women’s Health Watch.The good news is that basal cell carcinoma rarely spreads , and it can easily be treated and cured when discovered early Basal cell carcinomas can be thin or thick and their appearance varies. They are most common on areas that have long-term exposure to the sun, such as the face and arms, although they are also common on the back and chest. Nodular basal cell carcinoma. Nodular basal cell carcinoma often appears as a pink lump with a pearly consistency The characteristics and location of basal cell carcinoma vary somewhat with the type, although many are a mixture of types. The most common form, nodular, usually shows up as a shiny bump, generally on the face, scalp, ears, or neck. It may bleed easily. And it often ulcerates and crusts over, which may create the illusion that it’s healing Basal cell carcinoma is the most common cancer in humans and the most common cancer of the skin. It is a neoplasm of basal keratinocytes that is found more frequently in men than women and is typically seen on the face. Rates of BCC have been increasing over the last several decades, particularly in young women Abstract. Basal cell carcinoma is a slow-growing malignant skin tumor and its often found in elderly patients on sun exposed areas that confirming chronic UV radiation. Demographic, clinical and.

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    Physical Findingsbasal Cell Carcinomas

    The hallmark of basal cell carcinoma is a waxy, translucent, or pearly appearance. Commonly, these lesions have central ulceration and a raised pale border . The border may be highlighted by applying traction on the skin around the lesion . Telangiectasias are common and lead to friability, poor healing, and frequent bleeding. Atrophy is possible , and the borders can be indistinct.

    Basal cell carcinoma with atrophy and friability.

    Figure 5

    Basal cell carcinoma with atrophy and friability.

    Pigmented basal cell carcinomas are less common and are easily confused with melanoma. They are caused by the presence of melanin within the lesion.23 These lesions have the same structural features described above but, because of the pigmentation, can be mistaken for melanoma. In melanoma or pigmented basal cell carcinomas, treatment is based on tissue diagnosis.

    Treating Basal Cell Carcinoma

    Basal cell carcinoma / rodent ulcer

    Several types of treatment can be used to remove or destroy basal cell skin cancers. The options depend on factors such as the tumor size and location, and a persons age, general health, and preferences. These cancers very rarely spread to other parts of the body, although they can grow into nearby tissues if not treated.

    All of the treatments listed here can be effective when used in appropriate situations. The chance of the cancer coming back ranges from less than 5% after Mohs surgery to up to 15% or higher after some of the others, but this depends on the size of the tumor. Small tumors are less likely to recur than larger ones. Even if a tumor does recur, it can often still be treated effectively.

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    What Are The Causes Of Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma Of Skin

    • The exact cause of development of Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin is not completely known, in a majority of cases
    • Although, genetic mutations have been detected in Basal Cell Carcinomas, which are currently being characterized
    • Most BCCs are sporadic in origin i.e., they occur in a random fashion

    Is Nodular Basal Cell Carcinoma Dangerous

    Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer, with more than 3.6 million cases diagnosed in the U.S. each year. BCC almost never spreads beyond the original tumor site though, and the cure rate after excisional surgery is above 95 percent in most body areas. So, is this form of cancer even something to worry about The complications of Nodular Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin could include: If the tumor becomes big, develops into a firm mass and ulcerates, it can get secondarily infected with bacteria or fungus Metastasis to regional lymph nodes can occur. The tumor can also infiltrate into surrounding structure Basal cell carcinoma is a type of skin cancer. Basal cell carcinoma begins in the basal cells a type of cell within the skin that produces new skin cells as old ones die off. Basal cell carcinoma often appears as a slightly transparent bump on the skin, though it can take other forms Basal Cell Carcinoma: Clear Cell Type Clear cell BCC is composed of large cells with abundant clear cytoplasm and can mimic clear cell squamous cell carcinoma or sebaceous carcinoma in some cases. However, areas of more conventional-appearing BCC are often present, as are seen in the lower portion of this photomicrograph Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer, with more than four million new cases diagnosed each year, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. It is considered the least..

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    What Are The Clinical Features Of Basal Cell Carcinoma

    BCC is a locally invasive skin tumour. The main characteristics are:

    • Slowly growing plaque or nodule
    • Skin coloured, pink or pigmented
    • Varies in size from a few millimetres to several centimetres in diameter
    • Spontaneous bleeding or ulceration

    BCC is very rarely a threat to life. A tiny proportion of BCCs grow rapidly, invade deeply, and/or metastasise to local lymph nodes.

    Infiltrated Basal Cell Carcinoma


    This version of basal cell carcinoma is presented as thin bundles of basaloid cells with nest-like configuration located between the collagenous fibers on the dermis and infiltrating in the depth. Clinically, it is a whitish, compact, not-well defined plaque . The most common localization is in the upper part of the trunk or the face. Seldom had the paresthesia or hyperesthesia as a symbol of perineural infiltration appeared, especially when the tumor is localized on face. This clinical version is often underestimated when the borders of surgical excision are estimated. Histologically this variant is presented as thin, nest-like bundles of basaloid cells infiltrating in the dermal collagenous fibers .

    Infiltrated basal cell carcinoma. Thin bundles of basaloid cells invade the dermis

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