Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Heel Protectors To Prevent Pressure Ulcers

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Ehob Foot Waffle Air Cushion

Heel & Elbow Protectors

Waffle air cushion reduces pressure by suspending the heel while the ankle, calf and heel. Designed with air-filled straps and foot pad help to prevent and to treat pressure ulcer.

The foot cradle helps to reduce lateral rotation, prevent foot drop and provides stability.

The air venting holes controls temperature and moisture by promoting air circulation, the soft, cloth liner help to keep the skin dry and comfortable.

The non-abrasive, medical-grade vinyl outer cover allows movement without resistance and is easy to clean.

The foot cradle gives stability, reduces lateral rotation and prevent foot drop.

Foot Gate at the bottom can be adjusted to make room for multiple foot widths and for visual inspection of the foot or changing the dressing without removing the device.

Optional Anti-Rotation Wedge is available to prevent rotation of leg while in bed.

The strap can be opened or closed depending on what the patient needs.WAFFLE Custom Heel Protectors are single patient use.

Application of Ehob Foot Waffle Air Cushion

1. Choose the patient size by measuring calf circumference before choosing the product size.

2. Place the patient heel in the waffle cushion and secure the air fill strap.

Product Specification

Product size and calf circumference:

· Small

10-110in to 11.5in


12in to 14in SKU#: NCM-NC30310-2

· Large

14.5in to 18in

SKU#: NCM-NC30310-3

could help too. Dont buy a Roho Cushion before reading this)


  • They are single patient use.

The Repose Foot/heel Protector

Repose foot protectors are designed specifically to minimise the risk of pressure damage to heels. They come in the form of splints made of Platilon, a polyurethane material with unique stretch, thermal and vapour-permeable properties. They are most effective when the patient is recumbent, semirecumbent or upright while on bed-rest, as the heels are supported above a void and therefore close to zero pressure, while the malleoli are protected by air-filled compartments.

The foot protectors are inflated using a hand-help pump. A valve ensures they are inflated to the correct pressure with no chance of over-inflation. This provides a pressure-reducing splint where the weight of the lower leg is redistributed over a wider area.

Caring For A Pressure Sore

Stage I or II sores will often heal if cared for carefully. Stage III and IV sores are harder to treat and may take a long time to heal. Heres how to care for a pressure sore at home.

Relieve the pressure on the area.

  • Use special pillows, foam cushions, booties, or mattress pads to reduce the pressure. Some pads are water- or air-filled to help support and cushion the area. What type of cushion you use depends on your wound and whether you are in bed or in a wheelchair. Talk with your health care provider about what choices would be best for you, including what shapes and types of material.
  • Change positions often. If you are in a wheelchair, try to change your position every 15 minutes. If you are in bed, you should be moved about every 2 hours.

Care for the sore as directed by your provider. Keep the wound clean to prevent infection. Clean the sore every time you change a dressing.

Avoid further injury or friction.

  • Powder your sheets lightly so your skin doesnt rub on them in bed.
  • Avoid slipping or sliding as you move positions. Try to avoid positions that put pressure on your sore.
  • Care for healthy skin by keeping it clean and moisturized.
  • Check your skin for pressure sores every day. Ask your caregiver or someone you trust to check areas you cant see.
  • If the pressure sore changes or a new one forms, tell your provider.

Take care of your health.

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New Sizes Now Available

The Repose Foot Protector is now available in a range of sizes to support a variety of patient needs.

New sizes include the Repose Foot Protector Small and Repose Foot Protector Extra Small products.

To learn more about Repose Foot Protector please contact us using the button below.

  • Low Air technology distributes weight evenly and doesnt lose its shape
  • Designed to relieve pressure on soft tissue areas and provide comfort
  • Lightweight for easier transport
  • Repose can be cleaned and reused
  • Can be used with other dynamic or static support surfaces
  • Reduces impact of pressure, friction and shear

Heel And Elbow Protector Applications And Uses

DMI Heel Cushion Protector Pillow to Relieve Pressure from ...

Bed Sore Treatment

Material options for pressure relief include foam and synthetic sheepskin construction to achieve softness with a boot-like fit. Both options offer extra padding and comfort to protect bony prominences. These materials naturally contour to the body for complete protection. Some protector options are universal to apply to either the heel or elbow and fastens with a hook and loop strap. Sheepskin is washable for multiple uses.

Another option for pressure relief is to use a free-standing offloading device like the HeelZup. The patient props up the feet onto a high-density foam platform to relieve pressure from the heels. This product is free-standing and doesn’t require direct application to the foot or elbow, which may be helpful to patients with wounds.


Protection from Shear and Friction

Sitting for a long period can cause skin breakdown. Repositioning the arms or feet adds friction to the vulnerable skin. Protection is simple and easy with heel and elbow pads. The stretchable woven fabric places a barrier to reduce downward pressure and friction.


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Management Of Heel Pressure Ulcers

Heel pressure ulcers are localised injury to the heel as result of pressure sometimes in association with other factors. The heel is at the back of the foot, extending from the Achilles tendon around the plantar surface, it covers the apex of the calcaneum bone. It is a common site for pressure ulcer development, particularly in people who are supine or semi-recumbent with immobility. In this position, bone and tendon can be involved as there is little underlying connective tissue.

The lower limb can be subject to disease processes such as ischaemia, oedema, structural changes and neuropathy, all of which affect the development and healing of heel pressure ulcers.

In light of these anatomical and pathological differences of the heel, the GDG wished to consider whether there are specific management considerations for heel pressure ulcers.

Prevention Of Heel Pressure Ulcers In An Orthopaedic Unit

18 June, 2002

VOL: 98, ISSUE: 25, PAGE NO: 53

Anne Wilson, RGN, BSc, is tissue viability nurse, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley

The development of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers on the heel is a well-acknowledged problem . In fact, after the sacrum the heels are the second most common anatomical site for the development of ulcers , and their incidence has increased steadily over the past few decades .

Although tissue breakdown is a complex multifactorial process, the focus with pressure ulcer development in the heels is on extrinsic factors such as pressure, shear and friction, with the most plausible explanation being the failure to relieve pressure. While many advances, such as pressure-relieving mattresses and beds, have greatly reduced the incidence of sacral ulcers . Krasner recognised that, even with pressure reduction, most support surfaces do not adequately relieve heel pressure.

Pressure ulcers may form when heel pressure on the mattress exceeds the capillary closing pressure and the heel position is not changed frequently enough . The heel is at increased risk of ulceration as it has a relatively low resting blood perfusion level if subjected to lower pressures than 32mmHg .

Cheney suggests this problem is compounded by orthopaedic surgical procedures requiring long periods in the operating room and in recuperation. To prevent the development of heel ulcers, therefore, predisposing factors must be identified, minimised and/or relieved .

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Heel Protectors Pressure Ulcer Foot Drop

97 On Sale

A heel protector is a medical device usually constructed of foam, air-cushioning, gel, or fiber-filling, and is designed to offload pressure from the heel of a non-ambulatory individual to help prevent decubitus ulcers on the boney heel area of the foot. It helps to elevate and cushion the heel while restricting pressure, friction and shear from the surface of a bed or wheelchair.

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Identifying The Different Stages Of Heel Pressure Ulcers

How to reduce pressure on heels with Prevalon Heel Protector 27400
  • Stage 1 The area will appear red and feel warm to the touch. This is usually accompanied by a burning, itching, and/or painful sensation.
  • Stage 2 The damaged area has partial-thickness skin loss and may appear as a shallow wound or as an intact or ruptured blister. There will be considerable pain and the skin surrounding the area may also be discolored.
  • Stage 3 Damage has reached the deep tissue below the surface causing the wound to have a crater-like appearance and there will be a loss of sensation to the area.
  • Stage 4 The area is severely damaged and the wound has deepened. Muscles, tendons, bones, or joints may be visible in the wound at this stage.

It is of utmost importance to identify and treat pressure wounds on heels at the earliest stage. If you notice a red area, apply pressure with your fingers. If the redness remains after you release the pressure, change positions to alleviate pressure from the area and monitor closely. If there is no improvement, or the condition worsens, contact your doctor in 24 to 48 hours.

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Background To The Study

A number of elderly patients being transferred from the Royal Alexandra Hospitalâs orthopaedic unit postoperatively to the rehabilitation wards had developed nosocomial pressure ulcers on their heels. This resulted in increased time and money being spent on dressing changes, while problems with mobilisation were hindering rehabilitation.

Heel pressure ulcers increase morbidity and costs and can cause immeasurable pain and distress to the patient.

To ascertain the extent of the problem a three-month report on the incidence of pressure ulcers was compiled. The overall incidence was reported at 5.6% of the total number of admissions 47% of all ulcers were on the heel – a total of 29 heel ulcers. When these figures were broken down, 18 of these ulcers had been acquired while in the orthopaedic unit. It was also noted that 13 ulcers present on admission to the unit had been inherited from other hospital wards or care facilities.

All patients reported with nosocomial heel ulcers were assessed on admission or during the three-month study period as having a high or a very high Waterlow Score. All but one hospital-acquired ulcer occurred in the two larger 30-bed wards that admitted all orthopaedic emergencies, the majority of which are elderly patients with fractured neck of femur.

Vat Refunds For Disabled Users

If you are chronically sick or disabled you may be eligible to claim back the VAT on your Repose order.

Quick Guide

Step 2: Download and complete the Eligibility Declaration Form.Step 3: Send the completed form to Frontier Medical Group.Step 4: If eligible we will refund the VAT to the card you used to process your Repose order.

To apply for VAT relief please complete your purchase and download the Eligibility Declaration Form. Please send the completed form to Frontier Medical Group, we will then process your application. If you are eligible for VAT relief we will refund the VAT to the card you used to process your order payment.

For further details please see our terms and conditions or visit the HMRC website.

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Evaluation Of The Product

The evaluation of the Repose foot/heel protectors was carried out over a three-month period. Inclusion criteria selected patients who:

– Had sustained a fractured neck or shaft of femur

– Were anticipated to be on bed-rest for 24 hours or more and were over 70 years old

– Had a spinal injury .

The limb was excluded from the study, if on admission:

– The heel had a ulcer classified as stage 3 or greater

– The leg was in a plaster of Paris cast

– Specific treatment regimens prescribed by the patientâs consultant would not allow Repose boots to be worn .

The evaluation took the following format: patients were fitted with a pair of Repose boots on admission to the ward. Heels were reviewed daily for signs of pressure or friction damage and recorded on the data sheet. If the patient developed a stage 2 ulcer during the study the use of the boots was discontinued and preventative management was reassessed.

If the patient had to be taken out of the study for any other reason this was documented on the data form. Otherwise the Repose boots were worn at all times when the patient was on bed rest until discharge from the ward or transfer back to referring hospital.

Clinical Presentation Of Heel Pressure Ulcers

DMI Heel Protectors for Pressure Sores, Comfort Heel ...

In the beginning, heel pressure ulcers may present with tenderness, discoloration of the skin and changes in skin temperature over the affected area. Heels that present with nonblachable erythema evidence decrease perfusion to the area, which may be due to friction or shearing forces, or injury related to pressure. Deep tissue injuries may be recognized as areas on the heel that are dark purple or reddish-purple in color, boggy or firm, and warmer or cooler to touch than surrounding tissue. The area will likely be tender and may develop blisters filled with blood or serum. As conditions deteriorate, the blisters may dry and become black in color an open wound may develop from the area. .

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At Home And Aged Care Pressure Ulcer Prevention Products And Devices

Here are the aids typically used at homes as a long-term pressure ulcer care.

Pressure Relieving Mattresses

These pressure relieving mattresses are used for individuals who are at high risk of getting pressure sores.

Ø There are different types of mattresses such as

Ø gel and water mattresses,

Ø innerspring mattresses,

Tip: Using a wheelchair? Then a Roho Cushion or a Star Cushion is a must.

Heel-Elevating Boots

Heel-elevating boots help to suspend the patients feet in mid-air, as the feet are the areas commonly affected by the pressure ulcers in the elderly.

These heel elevating boots help to redistribute pressure to the lower leg to avoid heel pressure sores. These devices gently cushion and cradle the foot, ankle and lower leg to minimize the risk of pressure points and skin friction.

Tip: Rooke Vascular Boots can help you prevent pressure injuries.

Pressure Offloading

Pressure off-loaders such as Darco Offloading Shoes and Insoles can help you prevent injuries in the feet.

Skincare Products

Many skin care products can be used to help protect and prevent the skin from getting pressure.

I have noted the main types below.

i. Antimicrobial Skin Cleansers

These products help to remove bacteria and combat infections around broken skin. Antimicrobial cleansers destroy such pathogens, which otherwise could reinfect and result in deadly complications of pressure ulcers.

ii. Cleansing Body Lotion

Proven Results: Prevention And Treatment From The #1 Brand Of Heel Protection1

Prevalon brings you more proven clinical studies and financial outcomes than any other brand.Heel Ulcer Reduction

  • A study published in JWOCN found the use of Prevalon and a heel ulcer prevention protocol led to a 95% decrease in heel pressure ulcers.2
  • Another study published in JWOCN demonstrated a 100% prevention of both heel pressure ulcers and plantar flexion contracture over a seven month period when using the heel protector device.3
  • In one study, implementation of a heel pressure ulcer prevention protocol that included Prevalon Heel Protector resulted in a 28% decrease in facility- acquired heel pressure ulcers over a one-year period. Continued use of the Prevalon Heel Protector over four years, coupled with in-depth education, continuous monitoring of compliance, and continual reporting of outcomes to ensure accountability, resulted in a cumulative 72% decrease in heel pressure ulcers.4
REFERENCES: 1. GHX Trend Report ,4th Quarter, 2011 Hospital Annualized markets based on last 4 quarters data. 2. Lyman V, Successful Heel Pressure Ulcer Prevention Program in a Long-Term Care Setting. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2009 Nov-Dec 36:616-21. 3. Meyers T, Preventing Heel Pressure Ulcers and Plantar Flexion Contractures in High Risk Sedated Patients. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2010 Jul-Aug 37:372-8. 4. Hanna-Bull D, Four Years of Heel Pressure Ulcer Prevention. Poster presented at the 19th Annual CAWC Conference November 7-10, 2013, Vancouver, Canada.

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Prevalons Unique Dermasuede Interior Gently Grips The Foot

The Prevalon Heel Protector was specifically designed to address the problem of patient movement and its negative effect on heel offloading. Prevalons unique dermasuede fabric interior gently grips the limb so it remains fully offloaded, even when the patient is moving.

Our specialized fabric and coating creates maximum grip control with the texture of fine velvet. This soft fabric contours to and cradles the leg, calf, ankle, and foot to help prevent them from rotating within the boot or sliding out of the bootmaintaining effective heel offloading.

Dermasuede fabric holds the limb securely in place while preserving patient comfort. Its also a breathable material, so the limb remains cool while inside the heel protector.

Ulcer Aids Sheets Boots Socks And Heel Protectors

Pressure Ulcers and Heel Protection

Ulcer Aids: Pressure ulcers are areas of injured skin that remain in the same position for too long. Continuing education for pressure ulcer prevention: Taking the pressure off!

They commonly form where the bones are closer to the skin, such as the ankles, heels and hips.

The risk is greater if you are confined in a bed, you use a wheelchair or you can not change positions.

Pressure ulcers can cause serious infections, some of which can be life-threatening.

They can be a problem for people in specialized care centers.

This is one of the most common health problems we face in our daily work.

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